Soĺ Cal fires

My family near Hollywood Hills decided to get out of town.

In all seriousness, wishing safety for folks down south.
best wishes to your fam. it's poppin' off in the hills right now. runyon is burning and studio city just lit off on the other side.
I apologize for playing part in that but I clearly tried to chalk this up as miscommunication. We truly were making the same points about these types of fires but in his usual form ol’ 72 wants to argue somebody down. Whether it’s torsion bars or Santa Ana winds.
I’m just not going to take his bullshit on my subject matter expertise.
This guy plays firefighter in a little town. These types are known for being in the way on fires. He has even discredited himself all while trying to prove a weak point. He went too far (for me) saying San Diego is a desert and all that other crap to reinforce his weird *** take. Dunning Krueger effect on display.

I do not "play firefighter in a little town". I have 21 years at a department that ranks as one of the top ten largest in the state of California. Which you know, from our previous private conversations (which I have). So, saying otherwise in public to try and discredit me is REALLY low of you. I might also add unwise, because I can prove you knew.

Your "subject matter expertise" - I have over 25 years in the fire service from volunteer to Fed to full time paid municipal firefighter, a degree in fire science and more certs than I even remember at this point. That's more than double the time you have in the fire service. Maybe I spent most of it as a "city guy", but I've been deployed all over the state, and in other states, and fought plenty of wildland fire over the years and especially when I started. I've literally cut hand line shoulder to shoulder with hot shots on initial attack, and I did that before YOU even started.

I am not a subject matter expert in firefighting, and I would never claim to be one. Those guys write books and teach classes. You sure as hell aren't one, and not even close. You should know that, because 12 years in the fire service is long enough that you probably met a few actual subject matter experts. Enough to know better than to claim to be one.

I'm done with this. I suggest you leave my service out of any of your future posts.

My family near Hollywood Hills decided to get out of town.

In all seriousness, wishing safety for folks down south.

That was a wise move. I wish them the best of luck and safety.
So, saying otherwise in public to try and discredit me is REALLY low of you

You discredit yourself. Saying the Cleveland is a desert is like saying the earth is flat. You’re making it up.

That's more than double the time you have in the fire service. Maybe I spent most of it as a "city guy", but I've been deployed all over the state, and in other state

I know a lot of guys that bounced around for 21 years and didn’t do anything too. Being assigned to fires doesn’t mean you went deep into fires in wilderness areas, spiked out for 2 weeks and got thrown into the grinder. You probably sat at the engine doing mop up and just generally being in the way of Feds and CalFire. I know a lot of municiple agency qual/cert whores that never went out and got their dick knocked in the dirt year after year on a shot crew. That’s how you become an SME. There is no qualification for Subject Matter Expert but look at my pics of my station in the middle of a 17,000 acre fire. I’ve done it many times but you surely haven’t had that charge of making a stand like that with a crew of 5. That’s my resume. I can produce more evidence too.

@72bluNblu I asked you to PM me for any further. Go back thru this thread and start reading my posts from the beginning and you’ll see that you’re whole reason for doing your USUAL thing (arguing for no reason) is asinine.

Please read and digest post #16. You are arguing the same points I made there. You clearly didn’t digest my words.
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Fun in Pacific Palisades :( Some of vice-vice president Elon's junk probly took that picture
My mother just got a call from her cousin in Altadena (Eaton fire):

They haven't lost the house yet, but they evacuated early this morning. All are safe, including their pets (2 dogs and a cat). More apropos to this forum though, they had "numerous" cars in offsite storage (I know of at least one AMG and one Porsche), and as far as they know, based on maps and hearsay info, all of them are (probably) gone.

Louie (mom's cousin) told her that if the house survives, they're going to sell. And it if doesn't, they're not going back.
I think so. Don't have any members too near those areas.
My family on my mom's side live in Los Angeles, Bell Gardens and Sanbernadeno, how ever it is spelled...... I was born in Sacramento, I reached out to three of them on FB last night and this morning... no reply yet :eek::(:(
My family on my mom's side live in Los Angeles, Bell Gardens and Sanbernadeno, how ever it is spelled...... I was born in Sacramento, I reached out to three of them on FB last night and this morning... no reply yet :eek::(:(
My mother's cousin (see response #80) told her that cell service is intermittent at best, and I've been reading about internet outages all over the place this morning.
Isn't there an ammunition factory there ? My aunt Dorellie worked there and he doughter. Maybe just punching out she'll casing
Isn't there an ammunition factory there ? My aunt Dorellie worked there and he doughter. Maybe just punching out she'll casing
Don't know, but I'll tell mom to ask Louie when they next make a connection.

And Good Luck to your family, Mike.
My mother's cousin (see response #80) told her that cell service is intermittent at best, and I've been reading about internet outages all over the place this morning.
Thank you so much, I lived in the Norwalk area when I was 7 living with my Grandmother brother, he had a cement pond and a beuityful home with my favorite place his Den, now they call it man cave :lol:
Uncle Lenard kept a prescription of Play boy , my first peak :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thankyou:
I've read 2 of so far 4 pages of this. Lunch break is done. I just wanna ask is any of this near what (I think was called) the glass fire of 2-3 years ago?
I know Doug Dutra was a part of that a few years ago and lost a bunch
Just heard in the news there’s 0% containment of the fires and they need all the help they can get in California. If you have firefighting experience and live in California and were part of the cut backs they had, the people need your help. Not arguing or grandstanding with knowledge.
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One of my buddies from MN is a bomber captain, last I talked to him they're still on the ground.
i don't know where they fly the fixed wing stuff out of, but i'm next to the Van Nuys airport and they been rolling the twin rotor hueys big since last night.

i can't imagine anything up in the air for most of yesterday. it was absolutely unimaginable and breath taking at the same time.
i don't know where they fly the fixed wing stuff out of, but i'm next to the Van Nuys airport and they been rolling the twin rotor hueys big since last night.

i can't imagine anything up in the air for most of yesterday. it was absolutely unimaginable and breath taking at the same time.
We have a loading station here, but we may be too far away? I don't know what their limits are as distance goes.
We have a loading station here, but we may be too far away? I don't know what their limits are as distance goes.
i'm not sure what their loop is, but they likely have the range. stuff is always flying out of VN up your way-- makes for interesting viewing!

when the fires get going, it's pretty typical to see the big birbs flying out of there. i always get freaked out that they're gonna swoop down and suck my pool dry!
Just doesn't seems like there's even and end to fire season anymore. Look for FAIR Plan premiums to continue to increase.