Some people just don't get it!

First of all, I was joking about her not being good in bed because, unlike you, I realized right off the bat that Dear Abbey stories are probably fake, we're only getting one side of the story, and if this is true we don't know these people. You are projecting too much of your life into this Dear Abbey and assuming too much about others. You sound like you're bored. You assumed too much about this BS story in Dear Abbey and ALL of your assumptions about me are completely wrong.

If you knew me you would know that I have been married for 19 years to a woman I proposed to on the 3rd date (fourth time even seeing her). We have built an amazing life and family. We are soul mates, 100%. My woman wakes me up in the morning for sex and brings me coffee. Do you think that is because I am an *** to her? She does it because she loves me and can't get enough of my love. I randomly send flowers to her office. I put in the garden for her every year and most importantly, I am growing our children and am a fierce protector. We are protecting against this BS liberal world we live in, as a family unit. We are all unvaxxed too. You probably think I am harming my family by not being vaxxed and potentially facing a termination from my employer for not getting the shot. My wife and I see it as the opposite. I was ready to leave a career and retirement rather than compromise my morals. Would you? That's the strength/confidence that my woman is attracted to. She knows that if you take away all my success and possessions and move me across the country I will have rebuilt in a years time. Why? Because you can't keep a good man down. My wife knows that.

I coached my daughter in softball for 8 years. My daughter and I go on Dad/Daughter trips to Yosemite or to the Sequoias every year. We hike together routinely. My daughter and son accompany me on fishing trips. My daughter will know exactly what to look for in a husband. I can't wait to meet my future son in law because he is going to be a lot like me.

I am teaching my son to become a real man. He's probably more handy than you at 10 years old, I would place money on it. At eight he asked for a soldering iron for Christmas. This year he is getting a 3D printer. He hunts, fishes, knows firearms discipline, he knows many wilderness survival skills. We don't do Boy Scouts, we live on the boundary of the Pine Creek Wilderness and within a National Forest. We live in Forest Service housing on the same compound as my fire station. I chose this location strictly for family reasons. I am accessible to my family at any point if I'm at work.

My kids know exactly what they want to do in life and have a path already self-identified. That's because of the leadership they have. I am a combat Veteran, I fight forest fires, I am an outdoorsman, I am healthy and physically fit, I have compassion for animals, I have appreciation for God's green Earth. I am thankful for even the terrible things that have happened in my life. You are delusional about what behaviors I model to my family. You are closed minded. You are restricted in your thinking by your past experiences. You are cookie cutter. I am a man of free will.

As far as "older" people? Damn near all my heroes are Boomers, some from prior history, very few from the present. I have nothing against anyone for their age. You cn get out of here with that talk. I was railing against people who assume something from an age category. I was talking about the Boomers (or anyone else) who think that, collectively, that their **** don't stink and that following generations are screw-ups. When people say "WE" when referring to their generation is what I am talking about, as if the whole Boomer generation has one collective thought and goals.

Assigning names and categories for generations is a detriment anyway. Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y,... God knows none of us in this way. God knew each one of us before we were born. We ALL have the same origin point and linear time does not exist there. Values are values and they don't change with different generations, however, they can stop getting passed down. Life skills are timeless. If ANYONE from ANY generation is going to use absolutes and generalities, like "WE", then you also have to say that "WE" raised/taught, and modeled for a generation WE think are screw-ups". I hope WE can agree that using absolutes and generalities is asinine.

If that's not you then I'm not talking to you. That is pretty much what it was about but your feelings got hurt so much you couldn't get the context. You took that as an attack on your person. If you took that as an attack on your person then you are either the person I was talking about or you have a problem with comprehension. Robb, I'm talking to you too.
Your a drama queen.....And im not interested in your sex life.....husbands that respect their wives dont make comments like that
The rest of your post is a like a justification and im not impressed, go out and make some money for your family instead of posting BS on a car forum
Not trying to impress any man. BTW, I make money in my sleep. That is not my concern so it sure as hell shouldn’t be your concern.
okay there's a break in the action - more fuel for the fire. maybe the reason the welder is so firmly in the women's corner is her name is Eve or is a Scientologist :lol:
I break the world's population down into just a few categories: selfish and generous, honest and crooks, dumb or stupid, God fearing and satanic.
You Know, that's kinda Being a Realist..... separate the Wheat from The Chaff. Problem Is those middle ground types.....
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