Speedmaster heads part 2. Plus intake work

for a change I didn’t have to deal will snowblowing my yard so I hit the shop and started on my sons Speedmaster heads then intake. I’m going to try to break down each post with pictures and maybe a little more detail to each area of the head so it will be easier if you want info on that area. First thing I did today was take both heads to my drill press to prepare them for tubing. I run a 9/16 drill bit through the two head bolts that run between all four intake valve. One on each head oils you rocker gear so these oiling holes will need redrilled at a later date. After I open up those two holes I run a 17/32 drill bit through the four pushrod holes that create the dreaded “pinch”. I then blow and semi clean the head for bench work. I cut four 9/16 part number K&S 141 (3.5 inches long) for both heads and eight 17/32 part number K&S #140 (2.750 Long) enough for both heads.
I have looked around for Speedmaster Part 1. Do you have a link. I need to put them in the index thread. Thanks
Aren’t you guys getting burned out on Edelbrock heads. I hopefully will be updating my moved pushrod Edelbrock heads very soon. They should be pushing 330cfm.
I find all your threads interesting! Especially the cylinder and intake threads. LOL
Some of his Walmart threads I could do without... I still think there needs to be an unwatch button...
:rofl: Probably some of my threads too. And for sure some of yours! :poke::poke::rofl:
Aren’t you guys getting burned out on Edelbrock heads. I hopefully will be updating my moved pushrod Edelbrock heads very soon. They should be pushing 330cfm.
Personally, I never get tired of good technical threads. All the car shows on TV are mostly about TV drama. Your technical threads are just about "this is what I did in the garage today" and that is always good stuff. Taking pictures and posting it is a pain in the butt. So thanks for doing that when you can while working on your stuff.
Personally, I never get tired of good technical threads. All the car shows on TV are mostly about TV drama. Your technical threads are just about "this is what I did in the garage today" and that is always good stuff. Taking pictures and posting it is a pain in the butt. So thanks for doing that when you can while working on your stuff.
Well said Bob!
Thanks PBR i just bought a set of speedmaster heads , as no others heads could be delivered before november , I'll be using this thread a a guide . THANKS