Stop in for a cup of coffee

Like the guy in town with a blue Swinger that wants to copy my car. He's always asking where I got my wheels or my tail stripe or what springs I have. It kind of burns when someone says" oh, you're not the guy with that blue Swinger. He has a pony tail" :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
He has gotten kicked out of local shows for cheating. His wife gets a ballot and makes copies, fills a bunch out with his car number and wins the car show. Ya, I'm not that guy! LOL
Can’t you use your Supermod powers and change it? :D

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I could. No sense in causing trouble. I just need to vent about it every now and then. Dave is ok with it so I am too. Well not really. Just seeing it every now and then just rubs salt in the wound. I changed mine before but I shouldn't have to. What ever. No reason to raise my blood pressure over the deal. I am respectful of others not to use their avatar.
Like the guy in town with a blue Swinger that wants to copy my car. He's always asking where I got my wheels or my tail stripe or what springs I have. It kind of burns when someone says" oh, you're not the guy with that blue Swinger. He has a pony tail" :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
He has gotten kicked out of local shows for cheating. His wife gets a ballot and makes copies, fills a bunch out with his car number and wins the car show. Ya, I'm not that guy! LOL
That’s pretty sad... Who would even want a trophy gotten that way? That would be worse than a ‘participation’ trophy. :wtf:
Like the guy in town with a blue Swinger that wants to copy my car. He's always asking where I got my wheels or my tail stripe or what springs I have. It kind of burns when someone says" oh, you're not the guy with that blue Swinger. He has a pony tail" :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
He has gotten kicked out of local shows for cheating. His wife gets a ballot and makes copies, fills a bunch out with his car number and wins the car show. Ya, I'm not that guy! LOL
this is why Im building my dart in a way that will be a bit harder to copy cat.

Little bit more than a "Petting Zoo" I'd say :rofl:
Took a while to catch up.
If someone wants to use my avatar, it would piss me off too,but really why should i care?
My firebird photo ended up all over the place, didnt bother me at all.
If someone took Daves art and started selling it, i bet he wouldnt be happy about it. Think he went through it already.
Got warm quick here. Up to around 80 now and a bit of sticky humidity. I was soaked. Just came in for a break from chainsawing the branches I cut down. Got all the firewood size stuff cut up and piled the branches. Will get the chipper out another day. Now going to switch gears and do a little more pressure washing. Prepping for re-coat...

Brake job. Done.
Honda service, check ac, tire rotation and brake inspection done. Just waiting for door lock actuator and its done.
Well FML... I just got an email from the hotel I had reserved for Carlisle, they cancelled my reservation I had.
Well FML... I just got an email from the hotel I had reserved for Carlisle, they cancelled my reservation I had.
Did you have it held with a credit card? If so unless the hotel burned down, I don't think they can do that.

Did you have it held with a credit card? If so unless the hotel burned down, I don't think they can do that.

They weren't sure why it got cancelled, HOWEVER, it was in fact cancelled, so they found me another room, this one in a hotel with a 4 star rating just 10 minutes away from the event! and got it for me below the price of the other one over in Harrisburg!
This may be the one of the problems when going through a service like expedia.
A couple years ago a guy wrote a book from an insider's persepctive. He had worked the front desk. of course I dont recall the details of what he said in the interview.
Chris - try NPR search for Hotel book interview

Got warm quick here. Up to around 80 now and a bit of sticky humidity. I was soaked. Just came in for a break from chainsawing the branches I cut down. Got all the firewood size stuff cut up and piled the branches. Will get the chipper out another day. Now going to switch gears and do a little more pressure washing. Prepping for re-coat...

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Uh yea...
Supposed to save that work for cold weather. The whole warms youy thrice thing. :poke:

OK. Back to fixin things. New bicycle chain was made in Ch_n_.:rolleyes: High end store I expected sumptin German or at least Indian which is where a bunch of 3peed manufacturing went. :(
Anyway traffic around here is in the pits - need the city bike fixed.
The other evening came in and saw a couple blocks of Baltimore Ave (Pike in the 'burbs) blocked off with jersey barriers. That's super serious.As you guys know, normal here is a someone outs a stick inthe hole after people run over the traffic cones or folding signs.
Walked over yesterday morning and big holes in the intersection over the Mill Creek sewer. Trolley tracks may be what's keeping the rest from collapsing.
Needless to say. Big sewer Big problem. That takes out another trolley line. There's already two from Woodland diverted onto the Chester tracks while a bridge is being rebuilt. Grays ferry Bridge is down to one lane each way and the Chestnut St bridge is scheduled to be shut for repairs starting any now...

Well at least no one, and no vechicles fell in this time. At least so far.
So I'm thinking I should get in to Carlisle the 11th, probably stay most of the day/evening Friday, then head down to Gettysburg on Saturday morning.