Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, we had frost on monday morning. Today its almost 80f.
Talk about a temperature swing.
They weren't sure why it got cancelled, HOWEVER, it was in fact cancelled, so they found me another room, this one in a hotel with a 4 star rating just 10 minutes away from the event! and got it for me below the price of the other one over in Harrisburg!
Where you staying?
At post 580 today for a quick pour and and thoughtful reflection. Had a moment this weekend driving home from the car show.

Had a good lay in the grass. I ain’t sayin... but they might have been tears

2 locomotives and 35 cars filled with coal derailed in NE Iowa. @Sublime one
That suks. I have not got my total bill yet from my last derail but looks like permit just to drive crane thru town is right at 8k. The permit thing is quite the racket. Hopefully we won't derail anything this summer. It is to hot now to mess with that, must be at least 80 degrees up here!!!!
Shut off the air, make sure all the cold air returns are open, pull the filters, thaw it out and see what happens. Restarted the compressor and its starting to cool already.
Shut off the air, make sure all the cold air returns are open, pull the filters, thaw it out and see what happens. Restarted the compressor and its starting to cool already.
It’s probaly low on Freon. What you did will work short term only. You need the system recharged.
Good Evening All! Well the clearing and digout is happening. Found out today from a neighbor that the set back is 30 feet, builder thought 5 for the county and went 15. We are now at 30 feet, we did give a copy of the HOA agreement to the builder he overlooked that. Today they dug the hole for the house and are starting on the hole for the shop. Concrete next week. Exciting time, been waiting a long time.
It’s probaly low on Freon. What you did will work short term only. You need the system recharged.
Ya I know. It's a old system. 50 years + and a hi-bred system at that. Everything has to be perfect and it works ok.