Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here's the humble beginnings of my shop. It will block the view of our neighbors house, his place is older and grand fathered into a 15 foot set back from the fence.

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F150 for service and brake inspection.
Hope its not like yesterday’s wheel bearing fiasco.
Rear brakes were all jacked up.
Pins seized and pistons werent aligned to brake pads. Guy took a grinder to pads as the tabs were too tight in the mounts.
Pads are hardly worn but clatter around until the little clips break.
One hour job turned into three.

Wasn't her name Wednesday?

Anyway, good morning everyone. Started cleaning up the extra set of 452 heads I have. Found a broken stud in one of those too but drilled and tapped it out. Then broke one myself. That one needed a nut welded to the end to get it out. Planning a slight port on those. Why not if I have to clean them up anyway?
Hey guys had NO coffee so a quick Mickey D run. All is better now.
Wasn't her name Wednesday?

Anyway, good morning everyone. Started cleaning up the extra set of 452 heads I have. Found a broken stud in one of those too but drilled and tapped it out. Then broke one myself. That one needed a nut welded to the end to get it out. Planning a slight port on those. Why not if I have to clean them up anyway?
LOL it is. But comes up as Tuesday also!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Have to UBER here most of the day. Figures every time the weather is nice! Worked in the rain yesterday on the truck it sucked!
Really nice here. Already above 60F. Sunny and breezy. Going to near 80. I might try to get some finish on deck railings I pressure washed and sanded. But might be too windy. Messy enough without drops flying in the wind... Have a little over half prepped.
