Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning fellers! 6:30 and the street construction crews are dropping off equipment already. That'll wake up the neighborhood!
Well I think I can say I successfully created a car loving monster. My 5 yr old who never wakes up on her own before 10, just came running in here, screaming excitedly, fully dressed and out of her PJs Asking if it was time to go see the “race cars”(she calls muscle cars race cars)
Dropped in to say hello, hope you all have a gem of a day today.

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Those manual ones is something every one should have in the toolbox! Mine has to be 30 years old and used maybe 10 times!
Morning Mike!
Good morning Ray, I hope to get some me time today, go out to the shop and sweep the floors and wash Victoria down, it's very dusty out there, the day is mine as my brother spent the night at his sons house
