Stop in for a cup of coffee

In the '67 book, the dust cap for both the disk brake and the drum hubs is in Group 22

According to this, the 10 drum, K-H and Bendix hubs all used the same cap.

I recall having ending up with the wrong cap a few times - wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pre-internet. Heck TRS-80, Commador PET, and Apple were something only a few people had (not me). Best luck was with dealerships had the old books and good parts managers.
Oh boy, here comes the carpal tunnel pain that forced me to quit the Upholstery business so many years ago. I don’t regret doing it today, but damned glad I don’t have to do it again on Monday!

So, Dad, my son, and I found out B body HP manifolds will fit on a 383 in a 69 Barracuda really nice if you cut the outer steering column back closer to the firewall. What a great day it was today!


Finally going to bed. Been having tornado warnings since 730 local time. We got missed by what the news is preliminarily saying is a potential F4, just north of us by a few miles. I think the news is exaggerating the strength based on some pictures but we will see. Damage looks more EF2-maybe a weak F3 but I’m only going off prior experience with response to such things. We’re safe though
Went for dinner a few miles out of town. Good food and big servings.nice meal.
Today my buddy’s daughter is taking us to wpg for dinner.
My kids arent around so she is stepping up.
Went and checked out my son’s place last night. Grass needs cutting.
He wont be home for 2 weeks.
I have his mower, guess i should help him out.