Stop in for a cup of coffee

5 done 2 more to go. Marsh madness is just around the corner. Gotta get these buggy’s ready!

So I just got back from body shop, new completion date on Demon is 9/1. At least it is being sanded. He explained the paint was very poorly applied and aircraft stripper did not work well but razor blade peeled it right off? Showing my ignorance here but I have no idea what he meant? Wonder if that remark is prepping me for a taller price than agreed upon?

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I see forward progression. That's a good thing.
My one and only experience with an argo was disappointing at best. Winter and it was kind of useless. The smart higher ups were determined we use it to do some back country work instead of snowmobiles and atv’s.
Too wide and was stuck everywhere as it was mild. Snow gets pretty slick when the tracks start to spin.

Im sure they have their place, but that wasnt it.
Well the homeless ballgame trip went well for about 5 innings.
Then SOMEBODY decided it would be a good idea to show a daytime full moon.i knew it was a bad idea to take them off the 3 beer limit.
I'm back home.
O well.....Good times!!!!
Dam how many qualifications you have? Oh yeah good morning.
I have several, I am trying to prepare for the next chapter of my professional life. Trying to make myself as marketable as I can be. I totally sucked at Retirement last time I tried. And I fully intend to do a much better job at it this next time. I love teaching and don't need to do it full time, I figured why not teach what I want to teach!
Got ya. I tell you what retirement is not what I thought it would be at all.
I definitely keep busy just sucks I cannot do certain things around the house any more and it sucks big time. And to top it off the wife is in way worse shape then I am.
Today I do will be getting rid of that nice scope I had at Carlisle. Guy said he will be back in a few weeks and will take it if not sold. Yah right tire kicker, well he is buying it today. Then go fix/upgrade a distributor tester at a speed shop should be a decent day.