Stop in for a cup of coffee

This does...well from the neck down

Ben Skirt 1.jpg
Anybody's team winning? Watched the last quarter of the Steelers losing another one while I was letting some paint dry where I bondo-ed the dogleg on driver side of the car. Got passenger side done putting cover panel over the rocker. Using neoprene caulk and just bolting through the lower flange and pan head screws where visible. Will try to hide them a little with some kind of black coating over the whole rocker. Need to run up to the hardware store and get more Black Jack in the AM and try to get the driver side together before work tomorrow. Guess I'll see how this Eggles game goes...
Broncos lost.

Probably because I slept through more than half of it
New Orleans lost too. I had no winning team. Penn State yesterday though
I hope Brees is ok.

Cool story circa July of 1998, I went for a week up to Purdue for the 4-H camp. We stayed in the dorms overlooking the practice facilities at Purdue, we'd watch the team practice and what not. Well in the evenings, we were given free rein on campus, as middle schoolers which was kind of cool. Anyway, we snuck into the practice facility and picked up a quick game of what was supposed to be touch football. Naturally, it got rough. In the middle of this, this buff looking 6 ft and change dude walks up, I have no idea who he is, I'm thinking we're busted as we snuck under the fence. This guy asks if he could play with us. So we're like sure. Dude played QB and tossed us some balls for about an hour or so as it got dark and then walked us thru the indoor facility and and showed us a few things and then helped us find our way back to the dorms. As he turned to leave us, he said, "oh by the way, I never introduced myself, my name is Drew". That fall, Drew would go from no name, to a super stud at QB. I can actually say I caught passes from Drew Brees, before he became, the "Drew Brees". That year I think was his sophomore year at Purdue.