Stop in for a cup of coffee

That mid-day meal, was the large meal of the day,or am i mistaken?

No, you are not mistaken. That was the main meal of the day, the dinner or supper. And after that people usually took a little nap, an hour or two. And then in Norway they went back out to work until 4 or 5, when they had something they called "Nonsmat" (mat means food), it was usually coffee and a snack of some kind. Then it was out again to work, until "kveldsmat" (evening meal) Which was around 8, and was a lighter meal, not as light as the "nonsmat". But not warm, unless maybe those families who had a little more income and had maybe a little warm leftovers for eveningmeal on saturdays, and then it was leftover from thursday or friday. Dinner on saturdays was usually rice porridge, which is made of small round rice grain, not the long grain rice you most often find here in the US.

Rice Porridge (risgrynsgrøt) recipe --

As shown in the picture, the porridge is poured in a bowl, then a bit of butter it put in the middle, and pushed a little down, that was very important, and then granulated sugar sprinkled over, and finally cinnamon. This was tradition for Saturday dinner. I like rice porridge, and have that kind of rice here so I make it from time to time, but I do not use the cinnamon. Only the butter and sugar.
Rice porridge was considered a poor mans meal, but it was cheap to make, and it has become a saying in Norway that if you don't have enough money to have that little salt in the porridge when cooking it, as you see in the recipe, then you are really poor. It is also turned around and said about people who are rich, well, at least they have money for the salt in the porridge.

Thanks, but you were right, I was crazy, I’m still crazy for taking it on. But it’s the history of the car that makes it cool. At least to me.

So quick back story, a long time friend of mine ran into a sudden need for money, his now ex wife had drained his bank accounts and ran off with another dude. Well I tried offering to simply gift the guy the money, but he insisted he had to sell me something as he felt too guilty and prideful to take it for free. Anyway, this was his brothers car and given to him after it’d caught fire briefly back in 2000. My buddy never liked or wanted the car. Thing sat parked in clay dirt up to the doors, sunken in the ground for nearly 2 decades. Pulled it out in December 2017. At 5 above zero. Lots of pics in my build thread over at FBBO

Anyway, I talked to his brother, most of the dents are from the early 90s, him and his buddies would road race on this long, windy gravel road out in the country from town. They’d lean on each other, beat and bang.

I do, it’s on FBBO, though it too needs updated

1964 polara (440)

If what kind of car you want to restore and enjoy is what will define you as crazy or smart or whatever, then I would say the world is off it's hinges. People need to chill and let other people be who they are. We humans are experts on judging others. It would be a much warmer world if we stopped doing that.
I have been shamed in Norway for my 4 doors and station wagons. Even been shamed for having American cars. They c********************. :D Pick what fits.

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1966 was when things changed.

In my brochure for 1965 it says Dart, which is the A body, and the Coronet and Coronet 440, which I assumed was the B-body, and then the Polara and 880, which is a clearly bigger car than a Coronet, and I assumed that was a C-body. But, the only thing I have checked is the Dart since that is what I have myself. The others I were just assuming what they were.

In my brochure for 1965 it says Dart, which is the A body, and the Coronet and Coronet 440, which I assumed was the B-body, and then the Polara and 880, which is a clearly bigger car than a Coronet, and I assumed that was a C-body. But, the only thing I have checked is the Dart since that is what I have myself. The others I were just assuming what they were.

Ya the A bodies had a new body style in 67. The B bodies split in 66. Coronet's, Belvederes, and the new Chargers were the only B bodies in 66 and 67.
This is another of those things I have struggled with in the English language. In Norway, Sweden, and I guess also Finland we say good morning maybe until 9 am. After that it is sort of a little rude to say good morning. Sometimes you might get a comment back if you say it, someone will say, "do you think I just got up", if you say it after 9 am. Like you are indicating they overslept or even worse, was lazy. After 9 it is good day, and it continues with good day maybe until 3pm. Then it becomes afternoon, for until like 6 or 7 pm, then it becomes evening, not night. And it is then evening until you go to bed, like 10-11 pm, then it is good night and you go get your tush under the comforter. And then it is night until the rooster announce the new morning.
Very different from here in the US.
Noon in Norwegian is "middag", which means "mid-day", in other words, if the day starts at 9 am, and last until 3 pm, 12 will be in the middle of that day. "Middag" also means dinner, because that was when people in the old days in Norway ate the only warm meal they had in a day.

They would think I was a total *** hat then. lol. I work second shift and say good morning to the first shifters when I start at 3PM. Just tonight I said good morning to the 3rd shifters when they came in. :p
Gotta love California. Starting Wednesday afternoon PG&E the electricity provider for a good portion of our state has tentative plans on turning off the electricity in 30 counties north of SF Bay due to a "predicted" wind event. Good time to be in the backup generator business. I think I need enough wattage here for the espresso machine and the refrigerator. Got to have coffee and cold beer.
If what kind of car you want to restore and enjoy is what will define you as crazy or smart or whatever, then I would say the world is off it's hinges. People need to chill and let other people be who they are. We humans are experts on judging others. It would be a much warmer world if we stopped doing that.
I have been shamed in Norway for my 4 doors and station wagons. Even been shamed for having American cars. They c********************. :D Pick what fits.

It’s not just the type of car. It’s the sheer amount of rust in this thing that makes me crazy for doing it
Out to eat last night with the kids, Taco Tuesday. Had all just sat down in the booth, and the three year old wanted to sit in Cheryl's lap. I told her she didn't look like she was feeling well. Within a couple minutes she pukes all over Cheryl. I of course saw it coming and slid out of the impact area.

Luckily we live a few minutes away. Kids loaded up and went home. Cheryl took our car and went home for a change. I went and sat with our usual Tuesday night group. I told Cheryl she took it like a champ, and welcomed her to the club.

Think the plan for today is drop off the truck he is hauling then going to that show or I should say swap meet at Hershey afterwards.
I talked to John @Sublime one a couple days ago. His FNL passed last week, and been busy dealing with that.
I told him if someone asked about him I'd let the group know. He'll be back soon. All is good.
thanks for letting us know