Stop in for a cup of coffee

Will never forget my buddy Pilot and I rented a Tomahawk 2 Seater, Trainer airplane to go from the Twin Cities to Oshkosh Air Show for the Fly In, we camped out under the airplane wings at the show.

He had just received his pilots license in the last year, we were flying VFR and swooping down to the small town water towers to read them to make sure we were on track to get to Oshkosh. Hundreds of small planes were flying into Oshkosh for the Air Show. So the Air Traffic controllers there put us in holding pattern circling over Rippon at the Rail Road Tracks. The circling was not too bad but we were in the holding pattern with 4 different levels of airplanes. It was like 16 airplanes all circling in the same area waiting to get called into the airport for landing. It literally felt like we were in a dog fight with so many planes.

Great time and experience, glad we did it.

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Have a couple friends that attend. or used to. I hear its quite an event. Not for me,but i bet its interesting.
a friend told me a story, had just started flying, and met the owner of a local charter air service. Owner invited my buddy to tag along to oshkosh. said it was one of the most interesting things he did. Same buddy, 15 or so years later is building an airplane in his home shop. Pretty cool stuff.
Planes, trains, and automobiles.

I totally prefer tires to the pavement at all times. At least if your engine stalls, you can get out and check it. Couple, 10 thousand feet in the air, yikes
That's what she said... :D

What is it with the number 69, what the hell is so funny about it.

At work we have unit numbers and this guy I know is unit 69 and he acts like it's so awesome and the other guys laugh.

I don't see what is so amusing about it. They weren't even born yet in 1969.

What is it with the number 69, what the hell is so funny about it.

At work we have unit numbers and this guy I know is unit 69 and he acts like it's so awesome and the other guys laugh.

I don't see what is so amusing about it. They weren't even born yet in 1969.


69 is a nickname for a sexual position....
Really interesting how the helicopters can fly and how the pilots control them, using both hands and both feet all at the same time. Was standing out in the field next to the Green Giant's Canning Company's Crop Duster spraying helicopter as they were spraying the pea field there. Was chatting with the pilot there as he was reloading the sprayer, he hopped in to go up again so I stepped back to get out of the way.

The pilot brought the small copter's engine up to speed and sat there for a bit with the blades just a twerling. Then the pilot changes the angle of the whiling blades to create lift so he can take off. Just as he changed the angle of the blades it moved so much air that it blew the hat right off of my head. I was pretty impressed, and up he went to get his work done.

My ex gave me and my girl friend a book on the kami sutra for Christmas...

It left me in an awkward position...
69 is a nickname for a sexual position....
I still don't get it but I'll take your word for it because guys have a way of turning everything sideways.

I'm glad I didn't get assigned unit 69, I'm unit 58 so I have seniority and I avoid their stupid jokes.
I still don't get it but I'll take your word for it because guys have a way of turning everything sideways.

I'm glad I didn't get assigned unit 69, I'm unit 58 so I have seniority and I avoid their stupid jokes.

Good thing that you're in unit 58...
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Have a couple friends that attend. or used to. I hear its quite an event. Not for me,but i bet its interesting.
a friend told me a story, had just started flying, and met the owner of a local charter air service. Owner invited my buddy to tag along to oshkosh. said it was one of the most interesting things he did. Same buddy, 15 or so years later is building an airplane in his home shop. Pretty cool stuff.

Yes, like your buddy there building his own airplane. Going out to Oshkosh there are all kinds of people building their own experimental airplanes and flying them in. Also lots of people do the re skinning of their own fabric winged airplanes. Lots of how to workshops at the show there, lots of fun and very interesting.

I could see how a person could get interested in building your own and then flying it too . . .

Lucky enough the year we flew the Tomahawk trainer to Oshkosh, they brought in the British Airways Super Sonic jet that they flew over from England special just for the show. Very impressive how big that was and the enormous heat waves that came off of the 4 jet engines that powered it. Got to walk underneath it out at the show. Yes British Pilots with their British Accents and all too.

Great Time . . .

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All the War Birds at OshKosh also, all so interesting. Listening to those big radial engines firing up on the Older Propeller Planes.

Choppers are so scary
Try riding in a Blackhawk with a CW4 pilot from the 160th SOAR when he decides to do combat map of the earth flying. 30 feet off the deck, full throttle, raising and losing, twisting and turning as the terrain does. Barely clearing tree tops. Wildest and scariest roller coaster ride EVER.
Hey Your fly is open!

Yes flying is great I have some crazy nutty stories. Rescue pilots dong give a crap about anything but saving a life. Great career to have had a small part in. You know you had a fun ride when you go to land and FAA guys and the base commander are there to meet the crew! More than once it has happened to me.
My Dad was a Army helicopter pilot, flew in Vietnam. I've flown military a lot, but never had any desire to fly them.
@Sublime one
John where are ya?? You get your car back and nothing from you?? Snowed in or what??
Seems we have a few others we haven't heard from lately.
My helicopter pilot buddy is very proficient, fixed wing also.
Touching floats to water and still flying,a technique used in africa, as taxiing on certain waterways attracts men with guns. At flying speed the odds of them getting a bead on the aircraft are less.

he now just pilots helicopters in africa,from land to oil rigs.
Holy crap!!
-29. No wonder my truck was grumpy starting.
Going to not be 75 degrees in my shop today. 50 if im lucky.
I live through the EAA air show/fly in every year. Our city of 60K ish grows by x5. Becomes a zoo, but it is really fun, even if not going to the actual show, watching dog fights and bombing runs from the freeway on the way home from work. And listening to all the planes, especially the warbirds flying over the house in formations.

And good morning to all and happy Friday to all the working stiffs - happy whatever you call it to all that enjoy retirement.