Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good deal for someone, just not me. Too far to drive for it and the 1960 push button is different than the 62-64 so I can’t even use it for parts :(
Look at the car it's in. Looks like a 63 to me or did the guy put it in and it wasn't the right year? I didn't read the description.
That means he's working all weekend with out any days off this week... :(
I guess I will find out for sure when I get in today. They want to run a couple presses tomorrow. They had operators, but there are several 'support jobs' that need covered. Last I heard I think they just needed a plate mounter to complete the skeleton crew.
Good Morning
This isn’t good right?

Mission accomplished. Right where I thought it would be. Spring pit a little ways down across the road.

