Stop in for a cup of coffee

I suppose that's not bad these days. I bought my '71 in '86 for $550. 'scuse me while I go cry now.LOL
I had a 70 U code 440 car. I don't miss it, because E bodies were made for tall men who can reach the clutch pedal without pedal extensions.

Even still, that barracuda is a pretty nice car and ought to make someone smile.
I had some smoked wings I picked up at the local 'farmers' market earlier yesterday. They were awesome. Probably get more next week. They are only open Fridays
Mmmmmmmmm chicken wings.

It's a good thing chickens can't fly, stupid birds. They sure are tasty
Not really. 8 hour shift and my drive is under half hour. Sometimes a little longer going in with traffic.
An 8 hour shift would feel short to me, I usually do 10 to 14 with 12 being the most common shifts
You said inspection ha ha ha ha heeeheee
I assume then that you have none? I have mixed feelings about it. While it sucks to be told you have to get something fixed. It also keeps people who drive **** that is falling apart off the road. A lot of people ONLY fix what they have to for inspection. Of could there are 'lick-em and stick-em' guys around that will basically sell a sticker. But they usually get busted and don't last long.
Well, I'm out. Sweet dreams.
Good Morning All! I hate it when I wake up an hour early! Out for an early dinner last night, then in bed by 8.
Got a few rebuilds in the mail yesterday just waiting a bit for the temps to hit 20 before going to the shop. 10 now
The guy from Colorado who's selling the duster hood finally contacted me, we arranged picking up the hood on March 7th or 8th. Might be an interesting drive back, he said they get heavy snows in March although the storms don't last long.