Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'm getting a few problems once in a while with it being slow and locking up with only a few windows open...

That's when I restart...
When it runs slow, it is either downloading or installing updates, I have discovered...
I sure do wish they made 66 B body anything! For just about any price...
Nothing for early A's either. I talked to some factory reps at the Nats a couple years ago. Sounds like they are backing off on the Mopar stuff (which they started with) and are branching out into the other brands (which they have started doing)
I can order them, you can pay me back.....I trust you....
thanks, but I can't and won't accept that. I'd just pull the money from savings and get yelled at haha. but its mute, they don't have what I need.
Happy slant six day
