Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nice. How far did you have to move the steering column over?
I don’t remember. Just enough to clear. I was trying not to have 14 knuckle joints in steering shaft. I ended up with just two. I would guess I moved over by about two inches. I had to fabricate my own dash so it did not matter with regard to dash position.
I just checked the weather forecast... :realcrazy: :realcrazy: :realcrazy:

Starting at 6 PM today, rain for 12 hours, then a 5 hour break, then more rain for the rest of the weekend.... :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

But hey, we will get up onto the high 50's, almost 60°... :rolleyes:
I don’t remember. Just enough to clear. I was trying not to have 14 knuckle joints in steering shaft. I ended up with just two. I would guess I moved over by about two inches. I had to fabricate my own dash so it did not matter with regard to dash position.
Sweet, I have to have two no matter what for the Gerst kit. I was thinking of sliding mine over but couldn’t decide if I would like it or not. The 440 probably isn’t much skinnier than a gen 3
Apparently i’m getting breakfast this morning. Nice!

just remembered where there is a 400/4bbl from a station wagon. think i may have to go make a deal.
I don’t remember. Just enough to clear. I was trying not to have 14 knuckle joints in steering shaft. I ended up with just two. I would guess I moved over by about two inches. I had to fabricate my own dash so it did not matter with regard to dash position.
Sounds like its going to be a FAB-ulous car when your done :D
I am letting shop heat up now, it is a total PITA but I will get thru it. I am developing my schematic today. That way when I start getting in tantric yoga positions under the dash I can minimize the discomfort!
I hate it too when your upside down and the snot runs backwards and starts burning...hate it.
Under dash work is the worst. Get all set up and comfortable then realize you forgot something. Way better with seats out,more room to work.
Epic Dad fail, so wife is sleeping in, I have already been out to the shop fired up the heat. Had a cup of green tea doing some reading and decide to throw some corn out for squirrels. Eagle eyed hound spots a squirrel about fifty yards out. Chase ensues, thru drainage ditch etc etc. once we get all gathered back up and mailbox checked we head back in the house. We peek in on the wife who is still snoozing and dumb dog decides to bounce up and ensure correct creature is burrowed in under the quilt. Said creature now has muddy wet dog feet on everything. After an expletives laced explanation of both my, and the hounds intelligence we have decided to retreat to the shop. Apparently there is now going to be a bunch of washing machine action going on. You guys and one gal have a great day!