Stop in for a cup of coffee

WHAT? How dare they do that to Daisy Dukes beautiful body....It is funny though. Have you ever seen how fat it's ankles are?
I don’t think I ever saw ‘her’ ankles, or at least didn’t notice. Not something I am interested in.
But I’m not judging...:eek: :poke:
Just got home from the cruise in....huge turn out!! My buddy came with his bird. Perfect weather and a great night!!! I let a friend of mine take the Duster tonight, he needed a smile as he is going through chemotherapy as right now doesn't have a car to take. Try to let him get his mind off things for a few hours. Let him feel normal instead of being the guy with cancer.

Been dealing with a special breed of person tonight. As my Dad is fond of saying "you just can't fix stupid".
Indoor work today. i want to make some progress on my Fargo.
Buddy needs constant supervision on his truck, wish he would find some motivation and move forward.