Stop in for a cup of coffee

I was at work going through the storm procedures. When they evacuated Iraquois Pt. housing they let me go, took the wife to a friends house on base, he was from Florida, had everything boarded up and the hurricane party was on. We are pretty sure we conceived one of our children that night TMI.
so you got blown by Inneki?:poke:
While Stateside we resided in NC, many memorable Hurricane parties. Each of us would rat hole our specific items. One guy had batteries, another candles, another the radio for jams, another “supplies” etc. Nothing says stupid like drunk Marines. Witnessed many a drunken parachute attempt out barracks window. All fun and games until one guys sheet actually caught full wind and drove him like a nail into a dumpster. Cleanup on aisle 1 please.
-18 c is 0 f. today its -4c.
just about to head out for brekkie.
Then fire on in shop, crank tunes and get to work.
Wow... now the Rockies are on fire...

Tracking says Rumblefish's bead hone is out for delivery too but I won't hold my breath. LOL