Stop in for a cup of coffee

Stinky finger, stinky finger...……….

Flash back to basic training haha. One of the female privates got caught.... teasing herself by a Drill Sgt during our FTX.... they made her stand in front of the entire company and single a jingle that included that exact phrase

Shocker 3.jpeg
So now it downloads the same picture 3 times
Joey may be lurking around in the operating system again.

truck looks alright, a few hard knocks to deal with. A warmed up 360 will move it along nicely. i hopin my Fargo will at least be able to get out of the way..
Love it Tike!

Oh yeagh FIRST!

Anyone see the "get your booty to the polls" voting commercial. I would post it but it would close the thread again. Amazing it is on TV. But it is not racist...…..