Stop in for a cup of coffee

I don't rake much any more either. I pull the leaves from under the bushes and grind them up with the rider and then bag them up. I put a tarp down in the pick up bed and fill it up. When I get to the yard waste dump I just grab the corners of the tarp and pull the whole load out of the box. Work smarter not harder. LOL
Even when I do pick them up, it's mostly bagging with the rider. I try to avoid it all together. Keep mulching and keep the grass short so most blow away. :thumbsup:
Bad day with the leaf blower
I know it's kinda early for Christmas talk, but the granbrat made her desire known to me yesterday. "I want a mini motorcycle and helmet." After a quick search this is what I sent to my brat/her mother.

Before I left for the racetrack yesterday, my two Sons came by and helped me install the rear glass in the GTS.