Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man this sucks I have two hot mail accounts and I am in one now and cant log out to get to the other one, close it and open it goes right to that page I cant log out of. Restarted and same thing. Any ideas?
Email your
Man this sucks I have two hot mail accounts and I am in one now and cant log out to get to the other one, close it and open it goes right to that page I cant log out of. Restarted and same thing. Any ideas?
self and tell yourself to Log out so you can read the emails you sent to yourself. I just talk to myself
Man this sucks I have two hot mail accounts and I am in one now and cant log out to get to the other one, close it and open it goes right to that page I cant log out of. Restarted and same thing. Any ideas?
Email yourself and tell yourself to Log out so you can read the emails you sent to yourself. I just talk to myself
Morning fellas. Dang, the wind is howling out there this morning.
So what is the news on the job front?
stig eating popcorn.gif
We are no longer a long term jail. They will bring in 25-50 inmates a day and we will quarantine them then classify them as to what programs they will need and send them off to another prison. These are guys and women now coming off the street. 8-10% expected to have covid. I will be able to stay there but not real sure what my job will entail.
We are no longer a long term jail. They will bring in 25-50 inmates a day and we will quarantine them then classify them as to what programs they will need and send them off to another prison. These are guys and women now coming off the street. 8-10% expected to have covid. I will be able to stay there but not real sure what my job will entail.
We are no longer a long term jail. They will bring in 25-50 inmates a day and we will quarantine them then classify them as to what programs they will need and send them off to another prison. These are guys and women now coming off the street. 8-10% expected to have covid. I will be able to stay there but not real sure what my job will entail.
I guess that’s better than the bread line but seems to be a riskier position to be in. Stay safe bud