Well-Known Member
A guy I used to work with brought in a chunk of bear bologna every year from his dad’s butcher shop. Very good. Not much different than deer or other good sweet bologna except that it was almost black.
I’ll have to ask my son if he ever did any and if they do steak and burgers like others
So I get invited to a trucker freind o' mine's Christmas party at his yard. On the way to the yard I grab a six pack for the cooler. Quite a crowd there when I get there, mostly dirt haulers I knew already. Grab an adult beverage and mingle. They have the BBQ pit going and it smells really good. "Have you gotten anything to eat yet?" I'm asked. "What's on the pit?" "Pedophile Pig". Didn't sink in at first since many of us dirt and asphalt people are a little bit twisted. After another beverage or 3 hunger draws me to the pit. "What ya got there?" I ask. "Pedophile Pig and linguicia. Help yourself." Both were excellent. I cornered my friend to get the story for the Pedophile Pig. Turns out he had just bought a new .500 mag S&W pistol and he and a friend were heading up to the local National Forest to test it out. On the way, right in front of Neverland Ranch, the former home of Michael Jackson where numerous reports of odd behavior were circulating they come across a wild pig right in the middle of Figueroa Mtn. Rd. Good time to test it out as any. One shot and into the back of the pickup and haul ***. Merry Christmas!