Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey what was the stuff that was discussed a while back that was better than POR 15?
Good you got that straightened out.
I am too. That was several hundred in fees and taxes I wasn’t prepared for. I’d done my homework prior to making this purchase and knew ballpark what they’d be. When the lady asked for an additional near 900 bucks on top of the other, alarm bells went off
Thanks Guys. I was told to try Magnesium Spray - many athletes use it for muscle and joint issues.
It may help long term with healing, but I wouldn't expect pain relief. I have been using Theraworx on my legs for a couple years. It's like $20 a bottle, but comes out as a foam, so a bottle goes a long way.
Had serious issues with leg cramps which I blame on Lipitor. Used to be a few nights a week now hardly happens. No way to know how much it helped orif it was jut a matter of time to get that crap out of my system, but I keep using it as a hedge against cramps. Simultaneous cramps in both thighs reeally hurts. I just rub a little in almost every night. Could be that every time I put it on I am massaging the muscle (no Karl).
It's Willys Wednesday!


Good morning :D