Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mornin yall. I finally slept some last night.
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Mitch is all tired and sore, it went dark around 12 hours ago, there is starting to be light outside, and the world is still on its axis. That help?
I have not heard from him yet. He is still waiting for a reply I think. Man I did some serious reasearch on them. Funny my autolight books dont have IBK instructions all three of them, weird.
28f. not bad, but about to cool off by the weekend.
I have not heard from him yet. He is still waiting for a reply I think. Man I did some serious reasearch on them. Funny my autolight books dont have IBK instructions all three of them, weird.

Ok, well you know where to find me. I hope he gets his back though. That's a nice car.
Same here. I have to get the name of the place he sent it to. I have a few leads on the one he wants not cheap at all.
Put a scoop on the Duster, sending my velocity stacks to Leanna to work her magic. Going with a satin black. Thinking that would look pretty good with a satin hood shiny carbs and satin stacks. But until then..... it’s growing on me. The scoop looks “racey” and the stacks look “obnoxious”. I like obnoxious!

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Very similar to the scoop I put on mine last fall. Looking very nice Mark.

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Good Morning everyone. Supposed to hit 41 today. Woo Hoo.
Well I guess I have to plow today. Felt like crap yesterday was hoping the rain would knock it down. Looks like I had some packages and they brought them back to the post office. OOPS!
Yes, regardless, no chevy scoops for mopars. Drives me nuts to see cowl hoods on anything other than Chevys

I caint stand it. Not necessarily because it's a Chevy scoop on a Mopar, but because Mopar has so many other BETTER lookin scoops.
Well gonna be 58 degrees today. Warm enough for some more body work on the dart I think. I’m out