Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have seen a UFO. Broad daylight. Cigar shaped and shiny. For real..
Was there about a dozen people were looking at it and it just disappeared.
Uh huh, cough, cough

Well damn! Not too shabby! Little bit of clean up and clearancing for the scoop yet to do. But the initial fitment I’m ok with.

I keep meaning to ask. Do intense or concentrated radar/cell signals cause XM Radio to go blank? One spot in town near the airport always freaks out Sirrius XM.
I go into the Lowry bombing range,. The place was used for bombing and fighter training in WW2. Place has old missile silos on it. My sirius drops out as soon as I enter the area.
I go into the Lowry bombing range,. The place was used for bombing and fighter training in WW2. Place has old missile silos on it. My sirius drops out as soon as I enter the area.
Radiation lol
I go into the Lowry bombing range,. The place was used for bombing and fighter training in WW2. Place has old missile silos on it. My sirius drops out as soon as I enter the area.
Years ago, a buddy of mine at the time(he cut himself off from everyone after his last deployment, checked himself into a Va mental ward and hasn’t left since and won’t take visitors), we almost bought an old Atlas II silo down in Evansville for 15,000. This was 17 years ago, now they want ten times that for one
I saw one too. About grade 6. Saw it fly past a jet,stopped and flew back where it came from, just disappeared.

we exist, therefore they exist.
You are yes. Little green men in silver suits? Nah. And I can prove it.

You believe in the “Big Bang” theory or evolution?
Green men in silver suit, maybe not. Other life - very likely. You can’t prove a negative in an undefined space. We don’t even know everything on land on this planet. Certainly don’t know everything under the water. To say we know something is not out in space...?
Green men in silver suit, maybe not. Other life - very likely. You can’t prove a negative in an undefined space. We don’t even know everything on land on this planet. Certainly don’t know everything under the water. To say we know something is not out in space...?
Oh I fully believe there is other planets out there in the universe with life on them. No doubt in the millions upon billions of stars out there that there’s another planet with similar life forms. Which is my point.

see let’s say for sake of this argument that the universe was all created in a Big Bang moment. All starting at the same point. Now the theory of universal evolution states that all life and everything else in the universe evolved from that point on, therefore, if bacteria evolved into life forms that later evolved into humans over the course of billions of years, then that also happened on similar planets right? Which therefore means that any other “human like” or intellectual beings evolved at the same pace we did. We don’t have inter-solar system/planetary travel that defies the basic laws of physics which means neither does any other life form on another planet.