Stop in for a cup of coffee


So busy place here this afternoon...
WV Chris nice job what I really noticed was that slope in the backyard.
Frank's carryout sounds a lot better than my dinner.
TMM taking care of the neighbor.
Mitch is busy as usual.
Chris better luck tomorrow. Enjoy the peace and quiet I remember when deer hunting.
We set the cabinets in the shop this afternoon. Those old wooden kitchen cabinets were heavy. We took a six foot long table and sat it on the eight foot work bench. We then sat the five foot Cabinet on the table and bolted it to the wall. Perfect fit...a little redneck construction, but it worked. I'm just glad to finally be able to get it all put away.

Yup.. pitch is pretty steep in the back but it provides for a great spot to sit and watch the sun rise.

Evening, pork chops are in the oven. Sun is going down, worked on my 3/4 ton Cummins resetting my apps, senser.
Did a little shopping today. Got in my annual Christmas shopping walk through at the local mall. Place is pretty sad. Most of the stores are empty. Some look like still in business, but closed on a Saturday afternoon...:wtf:
Then came home and painted a couple more wals that I finished sanding patches earlier. Living room done excempt for some tri. Then still have the hallway to do,,,
While I'm thinkin' bout it. What are the proper condiments for a Philly Cheese Steak sammich? Pa. crowd speak up! :lol:
They're not real common round these parts, but I did find a good one in the village up the road today. Tasteeeeee
While I'm thinkin' bout it. What are the proper condiments for a Philly Cheese Steak sammich? Pa. crowd speak up! :lol:
They're not real common round these parts, but I did find a good one in the village up the road today. Tasteeeeee
Have no idea, cause I don't actually like cheez whiz on my steak samich. That's what a Philly cheese steak is. I' prefer American, mazzerella or even cheddar. Then some sautéed mushrooms, peppers onions and a little tomato sauce.
Chipped steak., some like cheese , pizza sauce if you like it. Fried onions.
Rolls in my opinion are the real difference. Nothing hasv the taste orv texture of a good Philidelphia roll. Must be the water And the ovens.
Oh and ifv you come here stay away from pats, and genos. Tourist traps. You can get a better sandwich from almost any established corner steak shop.
Have no idea, cause I don't actually like cheez whiz on my steak samich. That's what a Philly cheese steak is. I' prefer American, mazzerella or even cheddar. Then some sautéed mushrooms, peppers onions and a little tomato sauce.
Cheese wiz is for non Philly people. American or Cooper sharp.
Forgot mushrooms and peppers. Thanks keith
Have no idea, cause I don't actually like cheez whiz on my steak samich. That's what a Philly cheese steak is. I' prefer American, mazzerella or even cheddar. Then some sautéed mushrooms, peppers onions and a little tomato sauce.
Some mild hot peppers rings are good too
Have no idea, cause I don't actually like cheez whiz on my steak samich. That's what a Philly cheese steak is. I' prefer American, mazzerella or even cheddar. Then some sautéed mushrooms, peppers onions and a little tomato sauce.

Cheese Whiz? Really? I was thinkin' some smokin' hot mustard.
The goodies inside are pretty much the same as Fajitas and how can you go wrong with with Fajitas in a sammich? :lol:
Figgered there had to be something indigenous to PA. to give it that fame.