Stop in for a cup of coffee

Scoped out the Donut Derelicts this morning. 1 attention getter,
that it was.
A tubbed out Chebbie LUV :D
I likes me some V8 mini trucks :steering:
Must have sometng to do with that Olds into Datsun mini we did as kids.
So took my son to his first ever team wrestling tournament. He went 0-4. But he’s a kindergartener and all 4 kids he wrestled, were 3rd graders with 3-4 years of practice and matches. One is currently 11-0 and he went the full distance and only lost 2-1 to him.

But what was interesting is what the head coach came up and told me afterwards. He said that he has been coaching for youth and highschool kids for 17 years, (currently the high schoolers are ranked number 1 in the state, again), he said he’s never seen such a young kid as passionate or as thirsty for knowledge in all his years of coaching. He said that after every match, my son was coming back up, full of smiles, begging to go again, asking what he could do to win and what he did wrong. A kindergartener!

My son has had a whopping 9 practices and 5 matches and to get that said was shocking. This coming from a coach who’s produced multiple state champions and some of those turned in NCAA champs.
He also advised me to NOT push my son. He said let him ride the wave. If he wants to wrestle, let him wrestle. If he doesn’t want to go to the optional tournaments, don’t force it. He said he’s got a natural passion and instinct that is very rare. Raw and rare. He thinks he could be a force if he stays with it and continues to thrive to improve.

At first, I figured he was just blowing smoke, trying to encourage. But he’s also now invited my son to the “advanced” tourney on Wednesday. They never take kindergarteners or even first graders to the advance tournaments.
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Better than watching the Washington Foreskins.......
I took a long nap this afternoon. A couple hours I think but I didn't pay attention to the clock. My fit bit was downloading a new program in the kitchen just so I could reset the time. I must have needed it.
So took my son to his first ever team wrestling tournament. He went 0-4. But he’s a kindergartener and all 4 kids he wrestled, were 3rd graders with 3-4 years of practice and matches. One is currently 11-0 and he went the full distance and only lost 2-1 to him.

But what was interesting is what the head coach came up and told me afterwards. He said that he has been coaching for youth and highschool kids for 17 years, (currently the high schoolers are ranked number 1 in the state, again), he said he’s never seen such a young kid as passionate or as thirsty for knowledge in all his years of coaching. He said that after every match, my son was coming back up, full of smiles, begging to go again, asking what he could do to win and what he did wrong. A kindergartener!

My son has had a whopping 9 practices and 5 matches and to get that said was shocking. This coming from a coach who’s produced multiple state champions and some of those turned in NCAA champs.
He also advised me to NOT push my son. He said let him ride the wave. If he wants to wrestle, let him wrestle. If he doesn’t want to go to the optional tournaments, don’t force it. He said he’s got a natural passion and instinct that is very rare. Raw and rare. He thinks he could be a force if he stays with it and continues to thrive to improve.

At first, I figured he was just blowing smoke, trying to encourage. But he’s also now invited my son to the “advanced” tourney on Wednesday. They never take kindergarteners or even first graders to the advance tournaments.

Nice Chris.

Great when the kids pick their passion...
'bout time I figure out what I will do today. Maybe paint inside of the front door. I Finally finished the trim in the hallway the other day. Lot of door frames. I lubed the front parts of the mower yesterday. Even dropped the front axle beam down to check the pivot. It's just a plastic bushing. Little wear, but not bad for 27 years old. Greased it and put back together...Probably put the 'hood' on and organize a bit more in the garage. About time I usually clear things so Mae can park in there when it snows.
All went pretty much went according to plan. :eek: :wtf: Garage not cleared, but made a bit of headway.
Spent day on range getting long range dope on a couple of old Sharps rifles. Great day, jacket with dark spot is a bit of black powder burn! Lost a bit of spatial awareness on sand bag! My shoulder is telling me I shot a few too many! The little round is a 9mm for comparison. On a double dog dare I had to shoot my EDC 9mm (Sig320) at 200 yards at the gong. Two sighter shots and I was ringing it! That was a hoot.





My new Secretary is a hard worker, she stopped over went thru the emails paid the bills, only screwed up one. Underpayment, easy fix.
I Made prime rib , grilled some shrimp.
Time for us to relax and enjoy the evening.
Joy to the world. Peace on earth.