Stop in for a cup of coffee

Its amazing what a $19.00 a month can do..
First it was the silent night commercial song for dogs.
Now all I see is the same commercial for homeless young men. :realcrazy::wtf:
Its amazing what a $19.00 a month can do..
First it was the silent night commercial song for dogs.
Now all I see is the same commercial for homeless young men. :realcrazy::wtf:

Yeah for charities where the CEO of the company makes like 60 million per year, and they want us do donate???? :wtf: :bs_flag:

The CEO should make 70 - 80 grand per year and the rest of that money go towards the animals... If he's earning more money in one year than I make in a life time, then he doesn't need my donation.... :icon_fU:
I just signed up to do Uber alcohol deliveries... This could be interesting...

I may get a few orders on New Year's Eve....
So I just got back inside after pushing snow to clear our own driveway and shop access. Somewhere around -6F. You know you are old when you have to ask your wife to undress you and not for sex. My hands were so froze I couldn’t get my clothes off. Shirt was stuck to me and bandana knot was unmanageable, and lord knows my shoulders don’t work anymore.Every day is one day closer to moving.
So I just got back inside after pushing snow to clear our own driveway and shop access. Somewhere around -6F. You know you are old when you have to ask your wife to undress you and not for sex. My hands were so froze I couldn’t get my clothes off. Shirt was stuck to me and bandana knot was unmanageable, and lord knows my shoulders don’t work anymore.Every day is one day closer to moving.
Did you have a frozen banana to offer.:poke::)
I had fun at the service desk ba

I had fun back in 85 or so at the dealer with MAF sensors. I diagnosed a lot at the service desk. A tap or a squeeze and the engine coughs or dies. Send the customer up front for a coffee and throw one on. Usually a done deal.
Yup, thunk on em sometimes works. Or unplug and they run better.
Bloody cold out there now. At least i got that van inside to thaw out for tomorrow. Too bad they didnt bring the parts. Will grab em in the morning.
My brain is freezed. So i dont know any better….
My daughter lives in Delta Junction Alaska
I bought property there and built a summer home, which I may or may not ever use.
I was there once in February 5 years ago.
Kids had off from school one day. no bus service after 50 below.
Funny it was cold but no real wind. Snow was light, like powder. Ice that's another story.
Ray my daughter and family are moving in a few months to Panama City, FL.
We are thinking a winter house, and yes with Cheryl retiring in a few months we will use it. :D
Cheryl was already looking today and has a close friend whose sister has lived in the area for years.
Last nice day here today. I spent the day working outside. Turing cold here for the next few days in the high 20's...some of you will take that.
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