Stop in for a cup of coffee

We have 3 of the four seasons on the weather menu this week :lol:
Today-Tuesday is Wind/Spring
Wednesday-Friday is Hot/Autumn
Saturday is June Gloom/Summer/Fog
With it starting to warm up and the snow finally disappearing it is time for a annual spring thaw dog poop scoop adventure. It is much easier while it is still froze! We are in the twenties again this morning so well below freezing and the wind has finally dropped back to a dull roar a poop scooping I will go!
Rain on and off today might get into the 50's I hope. I have to get to pond maintenance today. I got some barley straw pellets and did the front have to do the back side. Need to get the boat out fand do the back where the stream comes in. From the sides it is to overgrown with briers!:mad: Have minnows coming next weekend like to have this done beforehand. Stuff works great keeping Alge down.
LOL you said you were going to be in my neighborhood! You must have great eyes!
Hello sir, snow is almost gone here, went out looking for deer sheds and found two, thought I had found a pair,never done that, but they must have been twins both same sides, small 4 pionts
We have a whole big box of sheds that we have saved over the years including a couple Elk sheds. I figure if I ever get around to building knives I got handles. One of the hobbies I want to explore in my retirement. But I need to make a forge first as I want to focus on Damascus.

We have a whole big box of sheds that we have saved over the years including a couple Elk sheds. I figure if I ever get around to building knives I got handles. One of the hobbies I want to explore in my retirement. But I need to make a forge first as I want to focus on Damascus.

One of the Teamster mechanics in the rock farm truck shop made knives for fun and profit. The aggregate shaker screen on the asphalt plant was mounted with leaf springs mounted diagonally to separate the different sized and dried material into the proper bins for weighing and mixing for the finished product. Those leaf springs would break on occasion. Stack of 8 pieces, 2"x 1/8" x 30" long. Quick call to Delbert in the truck shop and he was there to gather up the deceased springs. His favorite material for fillet and kitchen type knives.