Stop in for a cup of coffee

He gets old cars and totally strippes them and sells the parts Classic Junkyard on e bay. All pre 75 stuff all makes. Does well doing it. Met him a while ago got the second POP hood from him.
That pic is a new building. No idea where but he has a ton of space there.
Really, cause it looks like the same building we were in, just cleaned up. I think it had racking down the wall and door to the side going out to the woods exactly like that...
Second cup has came and went, I am going to shoot every squirrel I see today, damned tomato grabbing rodents, and yes, they wait till they are almost ready to pick, netting don't do any good..

Good morning :D
Alignment part two. Hopefully just setting the toe..

Second cup has came and went, I am going to shoot every squirrel I see today, damned tomato grabbing rodents, and yes, they wait till they are almost ready to pick, netting don't do any good..

Good morning :D
Can’t say they have ever been a problem in the garden. They are more interested in the bird feeder…
Can’t say they have ever been a problem in the garden. They are more interested in the bird feeder…
Maybe thats my problem, no bird feeders here, just humming bird feeders.