Stop in for a cup of coffee

And they say the Titanic is in "only" 12,600 ft of water. lol
I saw that thing is on the verge of collapsing. It sits right in major current i guess. They think it’ll collapse within the next 5-7 years if not sooner
I saw that thing is on the verge of collapsing. It sits right in major current i guess. They think it’ll collapse within the next 5-7 years if not sooner
There was a faction that was actually looking into raising it at one point. They had funding ready and everything. I don't know whatever happened to "THAT". That's an unimaginable feat.
There was a faction that was actually looking into raising it at one point. They had funding ready and everything. I don't know whatever happened to "THAT". That's an unimaginable feat.
Kind of like exhuming the dead, something that just shouldn’t be done
We went to a maritime museum in Norway and boarded a old square rigged vessel. We felt very tall. As you can imagine we all started discussing how to fight and defend the ship. In the end we decided the men that sailed and battled with those ships were submariner crazy.
And that ship is really small, tiny.....
Well we were talking about the age of sail.
And the HMS Augusta blew sky high during the battles for Ft Mercer and Mifflin.
The explosion was heard 20 miles inland (at Washington's HQ) and beyond.
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Nasty stuff powder magazines

Charleston, SC powder magazine 1780

York, Upper Canada (Zebulon Pike killed) 1813

Fort Erie Canada 1814
Kind of like exhuming the dead, something that just shouldn’t be done
Yup, I agree. They're still battin around the idea of raising the Edmund Fitzgerald. That's probably actually doable, as it's in "only" a tic over 500 feet of water. They should leave it be.
Yup, I agree. They're still battin around the idea of raising the Edmund Fitzgerald. That's probably actually doable, as it's in "only" a tic over 500 feet of water. They should leave it be.
BEcause of the crew still on board is the reason why it's still down there.
BEcause of the crew still on board is the reason why it's still down there.
I know. I think they'd have a fight on their hands if they got serious about raising it. There's talk about it, though.
Done! Wrapped it in foil and set it in the oven overnight. Damn does it smell good in here. Like the boys would say.....nice bark.. 12 hours! follow up photos tomorrow over a cup of coffee!

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