Stop in for a cup of coffee

ain't gettin' any younger are we...
Just having a couple of beers here and resting my knees and back. I tried to catch up on all the stuff I didn't get done yesterday because of the emergency with my Dad.

I successfully beat myself up digging out the mulch volcanoes from around the trees and hauling the dirt to fill in the low spots in the yard and around the foundation. Some of those tress had over 14" of dirt piled up around the trunks that was slowly killing them.

Here's a shot that gives you an idea how much was piled up around the just Dogwood in the front yard. The others were worse...

hi David... food is a good subject :D
Hi Mike, been puttering around here all day, alternating chores and resting. Trying out a Minnesota tater-tot "hotdish." (yes I know, do I ever not talk about food?) Probably look for an old TV movie of the week or an old classic movie to look at tonight. Maybe a Jimmy Stewart movie if I can find one, he's good in any role.
I'm having a nice bourbon on the rocks. And touching myself inappropriately. .

Inappropriately? What are you doing, trying to rub your eyeball with a Q-tip?

Pretty much anything else is appropriate unless you said "No" and your hand went ahead and did it anyway.

Of course if you use both hands, it's bigamy...:D
real wizards can switch hands and gain a stroke...

The only reason humans haven't been able to develop telekinetic powers is because if men ever did they would just use it to make objects do kinky things to them. If women ever did, they wouldn't need men anymore to do heavy lifting.

Same reasoning as to why men never developed breasts like women have. If we did, we might never leave the house again.

Also why men don't have multiple orgasms like women do...we'd never fall asleep again...ever!

LOL - all so true..
The only reason humans haven't been able to develop telekinetic powers is because if men ever did they would just use it to make objects do kinky things to them. If women ever did, they wouldn't need men anymore to do heavy lifting.

Same reasoning as to why men never developed breasts like women have. If we did, we might never leave the house again.

Also why men don't have multiple orgasms like women do...we'd never fall asleep again...ever!

Inappropriately? What are you doing, trying to rub your eyeball with a Q-tip?

Pretty much anything else is appropriate unless you said "No" and your hand went ahead and did it anyway.

Of course if you use both hands, it's bigamy...:D

I was actually trying to soothe my aching *** from the pounding Obastard gave me on my taxes..
I was actually trying to soothe my aching *** from the pounding Obastard gave me on my taxes..

Don't rub it or it will never heal. Just be thankful that all your farts will now forever be the wind whistling through a cave...
Good morning. Just a few minutes and I gotta get out the door. Did the Monday morning alarm clock thing. I silenced it intead of snooze. Lost almost an hour. :eek:ops:
Good Morning Keith. That's how I felt this morning. I can't wake up and the coffee isn't doing it.
Good morning!

I went for a walk down to the hardware store. Bought a few little hooks to keep the strings for the blinds in the living room from dangling in the middle of the window.

Nice to get out and move about a little.
Good morning all. Can't wait to go to work today so I can rest up from the weekend. LOL
Same here Mike 1, Good morning from the old man on the hill this morning :coffee2:

Going to take a drive with a friend and look at a one owner 66 Barracuda V8 car
I am the adviser on this car, Victoria would never let me have another :D

55 degrees this morning, should hit 75 and sunny today :glasses7:
Ddaddy, I posted the cartoon Swinger on Facebook and the guys on the A Body Mopar site went wild over it. 210 likes so far. Your work put a smile on many Mopar lovers across the world! Thanks!
I put it on the truck site and they loved it. I think that could be good part time car money in the right place.