Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's not good. My diesel, when the POS starts in this cold weather, sounds like little worker elfs (can we still say that stuff?) banging away with their sledge hammers for a while. Hopefully not bearings. Good Luck
Yeah it doesn’t like cold starts, but she was plugged in and pre warmed to 160. But this was after full warm up. It actually started making this noise on the drive home last night. Then it went away and I couldn’t replicate it. But after a mile down the road this morning, it came back with a force. I’ll know more when I pull the valve cover when the sun comes up. It’s puffing some faint white smoke from under the hood but I can’t find the source. May just be blow by as it’s so faint. But with these winds it’s impossible to pin point.
Question: When discussing tuning my 660's on my tunnel ram big block elsewhere, someone replied with this, then my reply. Am I wrong or snarky? Nothing got said, just wanting other's views.

(Another Forum Member) I am willing to bet if you saw the A/F ratio, you might fall out of the drivers seat.

(Me) There is a good chance I would, but maybe I wouldn't. May be best not knowing. I read through so many people spending so much time and money over 12.5 vs 12.8 (made up numbers just for example) that they just go crazy. This is a toy, I get 12mpg (best was 15mpg over a 6hr drive) with 2 antique race carbs on a big block. Could I fine tune the combo, yes, and that is what I am trying to do. The car's reaction, drivability and spark plugs should tell the story. I am less concerned over a magic theoretical number. Every engine is going to be different, despite the same basic constants. SBC vs SBF vs BBM vs Hemi vs.....All each will have their own happy place. Then figure in gearing, weight, etc. I see it as the whole package effecting the running and the tune. I could hit a magic number, and maybe it will get the best overall fuel economy or help me pick up 0.010 in the quarter. I just want it to continue to run good and tune out the 10-20% that it is lacking.

In the end, I just want 2700-3000 part throttle to not stumble and the idle or part throttle to WOT fixed. I am very happy with all else. @Mattax has been tons of help. Being winter it is very difficult as there is no testing to be done.
Morning folks...

Sounds like winter is settling in for everyone. Hope you didn't lose usof e those bags of pellets Frank

Temperatures are headed down this week. Single digits by next weekend.
(Me) There is a good chance I would, but maybe I wouldn't. May be best not knowing. I read through so many people spending so much time and money over 12.5 vs 12.8 (made up numbers just for example) that they just go crazy. This is a toy, I get 12mpg (best was 15mpg over a 6hr drive) with 2 antique race carbs on a big block. Could I fine tune the combo, yes, and that is what I am trying to do. The car's reaction, drivability and spark plugs should tell the story. I am less concerned over a magic theoretical number. Every engine is going to be different, despite the same basic constants. SBC vs SBF vs BBM vs Hemi vs.....All each will have their own happy place. Then figure in gearing, weight, etc. I see it as the whole package effecting the running and the tune. I could hit a magic number, and maybe it will get the best overall fuel economy or help me pick up 0.010 in the quarter. I just want it to continue to run good and tune out the 10-20% that it is lacking.

In the end, I just want 2700-3000 part throttle to not stumble and the idle or part throttle to WOT fixed. I am very happy with all else. @Mattax has been tons of help. Being winter it is very difficult as there is no testing to be done.
I’d say this. An AF ratio gauge should be used as a reference tool to tune. It’s not the be all and end all and in the end, it’s only as accurate as it’s tolerances.

The best thing would be tune it until she runs good, schedule a chassis dyno tune where they’ll measure and tune it all out. Freiburger just had his BBC chevy tuned on the dyno and made a video about it. Averaged 18 mpg and made the most hp it had ever done, all while at 10.x A/F ratio.
Question: When discussing tuning my 660's on my tunnel ram big block elsewhere, someone replied with this, then my reply. Am I wrong or snarky? Nothing got said, just wanting other's views.

(Another Forum Member) I am willing to bet if you saw the A/F ratio, you might fall out of the drivers seat.

(Me) There is a good chance I would, but maybe I wouldn't. May be best not knowing. I read through so many people spending so much time and money over 12.5 vs 12.8 (made up numbers just for example) that they just go crazy. This is a toy, I get 12mpg (best was 15mpg over a 6hr drive) with 2 antique race carbs on a big block. Could I fine tune the combo, yes, and that is what I am trying to do. The car's reaction, drivability and spark plugs should tell the story. I am less concerned over a magic theoretical number. Every engine is going to be different, despite the same basic constants. SBC vs SBF vs BBM vs Hemi vs.....All each will have their own happy place. Then figure in gearing, weight, etc. I see it as the whole package effecting the running and the tune. I could hit a magic number, and maybe it will get the best overall fuel economy or help me pick up 0.010 in the quarter. I just want it to continue to run good and tune out the 10-20% that it is lacking.

Seems reasonable to me.
A cold good Monday morning to you all. By the end of the week the temps should be a little nicer.
Our kids and grandkids start their drive from Florida Thursday evening and plan to arrive here Friday morning about a 14 hour drive.
Now the weather shows from Missouri to Kansas light blowing snow, poor visibility 20-30 mph winds and -35 to -45 wind chill. No fun.
Good Morning All! Back from another visit with Mom in the hospital, sorry to report she's declining pretty rapidly and we're looking for a care facility. She did say she was very excited for my wife Becky being able to go to her Dad and stepmoms for Christmas, first one with the "new family". We are flying 2 of the kids there with us, leave Thursday.
Our kids and grandkids start their drive from Florida Thursday evening and plan to arrive here Friday morning about a 14 hour drive.
Now the weather shows from Missouri to Kansas light blowing snow, poor visibility 20-30 mph winds and -35 to -45 wind chill. No fun.
Hoping they make it safe through that, sure you've told them to drive safely/take your time. Nice when everyone's all together.
Sounds like I shouldn't complain about our weather, pretty easy drive up from Portland yesterday, was a little surprised when the cruise control kicked off and I got a message saying the anti-collision was turned off. Cleaned the snow out of the sensors at next rest area, all good. Too long of a drive for me not to have the cc lol!
Pics from yesterday's Event. Right around 200 people there. The pretty young Vietnamese woman is Chin's niece. The picture of the box is where everybody puts the money when they come into the wedding. The average person gives around 1 million VND or 40 bucks. Some give more. Looks like a windfall.

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Wow, very nice! You sure go to some fancy pants events over there, that is great! I was out of town and missed your birthday Saturday, Happy Belated Birthday Mitch!
This will work also for CC
Coffee's done. We have a funeral today. I'm not a big funeral guy but I will make it through. Then off this afternoon to get a grill for my oldest. We are getting towards the end of the gift buying. Waiting for a bunch to come in and then a lot of wrapping.
Morning all just got back home after the long train ride.
Train broke down 20 miles from my stop for 6 hours:BangHead:
And the worst part was NO COFFEE till I got home.
Yesterday, heading to a car show, I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of the car and opened the trunk.
I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They looked so lifelike you wouldn’t believe! They are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies and private part to the approaching drivers.
But to my surprise, cars started slowing down looking at my lifelike men. And of course, traffic started backing up.
Everybody was tooting their horns and waving like crazy.
It wasn’t long before a state trooper pulled up behind me. He got out of his car and started walking towards me. I could tell he was not a happy camper!
“What’s going on here?”
“My car has a flat tire.”
“Well what the heck are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?”
I couldn’t believe he didn’t know. So I told him,
“Hellooooooooo, those are my emergency flashers!”
Yesterday, heading to a car show, I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of the car and opened the trunk.
I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They looked so lifelike you wouldn’t believe! They are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies and private part to the approaching drivers.
But to my surprise, cars started slowing down looking at my lifelike men. And of course, traffic started backing up.
Everybody was tooting their horns and waving like crazy.
It wasn’t long before a state trooper pulled up behind me. He got out of his car and started walking towards me. I could tell he was not a happy camper!
“What’s going on here?”
“My car has a flat tire.”
“Well what the heck are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?”
I couldn’t believe he didn’t know. So I told him,
“Hellooooooooo, those are my emergency flashers!”
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yesterday, heading to a car show, I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of the car and opened the trunk.
I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They looked so lifelike you wouldn’t believe! They are in trench coats exposing their nude bodies and private part to the approaching drivers.
But to my surprise, cars started slowing down looking at my lifelike men. And of course, traffic started backing up.
Everybody was tooting their horns and waving like crazy.
It wasn’t long before a state trooper pulled up behind me. He got out of his car and started walking towards me. I could tell he was not a happy camper!
“What’s going on here?”
“My car has a flat tire.”
“Well what the heck are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?”
I couldn’t believe he didn’t know. So I told him,
“Hellooooooooo, those are my emergency flashers!”
Morning ya Moparian mob! I am getting ready for HVAC guy to show this mornin. I want all his duct work in before I start pulling wire. I need to install about three more door handles and a couple of dead bolts Yet today. Looks like it is gonna get chilly here later this week. Low forties today so no complaints on weather front. Fargo keeps getting on National news for the heavy snow and bitter cold. I do not miss it. Looks like Craig’s Chiefs got er done again this weekend. Hoppy I got my race car decals. They look great! Thx!
Morning ya Moparian mob! I am getting ready for HVAC guy to show this mornin. I want all his duct work in before I start pulling wire. I need to install about three more door handles and a couple of dead bolts Yet today. Looks like it is gonna get chilly here later this week. Low forties today so no complaints on weather front. Fargo keeps getting on National news for the heavy snow and bitter cold. I do not miss it. Looks like Craig’s Chiefs got er done again this weekend. Hoppy I got my race car decals. They look great! Thx!
What? ya don't like being frost bitten?
It's only 9 below now it warmed up.
Morning ya Moparian mob! I am getting ready for HVAC guy to show this mornin. I want all his duct work in before I start pulling wire. I need to install about three more door handles and a couple of dead bolts Yet today. Looks like it is gonna get chilly here later this week. Low forties today so no complaints on weather front. Fargo keeps getting on National news for the heavy snow and bitter cold. I do not miss it. Looks like Craig’s Chiefs got er done again this weekend. Hoppy I got my race car decals. They look great! Thx!
All I'll say about those Chiefs is a win is a win.
They have a target on their back and seems no matter who they play that other team usually plays their best.
It happens but we keep finding ways to win. :thumbsup: