Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thats unfortunate, but predictable whenever the almighty $$ is involved. Lets hope sensible heads prevail.
I know that. Just once I would like to see people just act civilized. At the hospital when he died she told them she was his wife. No questions asked. They gave her his wallet and house keys. Even though my wife and one sister where with him in the room. She refused to give it up till Monday and even at that tried to keep the money he had in it.
I know that. Just once I would like to see people just act civilized. At the hospital when he died she told them she was his wife. No questions asked. They gave her his wallet and house keys. Even though my wife and one sister where with him in the room. She refused to give it up till Monday and even at that tried to keep the money he had in it.
I remember you posting something about that incident. Like 4K in cash....Despicable behavior for sure.
Good evening folks!

Just got back from checking on the GTS. It's almost done...

Power brakes.jpg
Hey Dave, Ramie...
Should be nice with the new brakes Dave.
Cheaper to Keep er Ramie :)
Duke, sorry man I dont know your name.. We are talking about my ex wife... Do you want her??? LOL
Depends....will you take mine in exchange hahaha warning, collicky baby aint got nothing on her since the birth in January haha
By the way, is your PM situation better yet?
Its chris btw, and the only pm's ive actually received back from is yours, I spoke with the guy im trying to buy stuff from about an hour ago, he swears up and down he sent me a pm, he said he's having issues with PMs as well, mostly delays but heck, its been dang near 24 hours and no pm that he said he sent
Hi Chris, LOL Well that is interesting. I wish I had a good answer for you. At least Joey knows about it and hopefully it gets resolved soon.
I called hops and left him a message To reschedule delivering and installing the lift.

I'm right on the edge with all the family bs and drama this last week. I know my recently deceased brother in law would be banging some heads together over the nonsense.
Hi Chris, LOL Well that is interesting. I wish I had a good answer for you. At least Joey knows about it and hopefully it gets resolved soon.

well if it helps, I did just get one from Rani in 2 minutes......but she's a gold member so maybe that's why? but then again, it took 20 minutes for yours to show up earlier
Thats pretty!!! Whats left to finish on it?

The new rear brake shoes need to be installed with the new drums, adjust the emergency brake cable and then get the alignment done.

Alignment was scheduled for Friday, but they are backed up so it may not get done until Monday.
The new rear brake shoes need to be installed with the new drums, adjust the emergency brake cable and then get the alignment done.

Alignment was scheduled for Friday, but they are backed up so it may not get done until Monday.
Soooooo close!!!! I never did hook up my emergency brake cable. Hell Im missing half of the hardware I need for it. Maybe someday I will do that.

Talking about brakes, I need to remember to add the rubber bushing around the brake pushrod so it cant come out. Just add that to the list of other stuff to do.
I called hops and left him a message To reschedule delivering and installing the lift.

I'm right on the edge with all the family bs and drama this last week. I know my recently deceased brother in law would be banging some heads together over the nonsense.

That stuff just sucks. My younger sister stole nearly $50k from my Dad's bank accounts when he was first suffering from Alzheimer's pretending to be "helping" him with his finances. We eventually uncovered it and turned my Dad's lawyer on her. Now she acts like the wounded child being unfairly treated since we forced her to sign agreements to revoke her share of the Estate with the money taken being all she will ever get.

She hasn't visited him at his care facility since we cut off her hand in the cookie jar.
That stuff just sucks. My younger sister stole nearly $50k from my Dad's bank accounts when he was first suffering from Alzheimer's pretending to be "helping" him with his finances. We eventually uncovered it and turned my Dad's lawyer on her. Now she acts like the wounded child being unfairly treated since we forced her to sign agreements to revoke her share of the Estate with the money taken being all she will ever get.

She hasn't visited him at his care facility since we cut off her hand in the cookie jar.
Soooooo close!!!! I never did hook up my emergency brake cable. Hell Im missing half of the hardware I need for it. Maybe someday I will do that.

Talking about brakes, I need to remember to add the rubber bushing around the brake pushrod so it cant come out. Just add that to the list of other stuff to do.

Funny you say that about the bushing. The kit didn't come with the boot for the pushrod through the fire wall so we had to go back and ask for one. They sent us one at no charge, but it didn't come with an adapter plate to mate the rectangular boot for the pushrod to the round opening through the firewall so we had to fabricate one.