Stop in for a cup of coffee

NY had chop shops everywhere. It was amazing they used to be able to strip a car in around 5 minutes on the side of the road with traffic going on. Crazy!

Ghetto NASCAR I guess.
I saw this documentary on chop shops... it's pretty good..
No but I may have referenced cutting off hands as a solution! He was not amused. He was very elegant, talking 90 mph with maybe three teeth. And twitching like an epileptic. I may not have been my normal charming self.
It was probably a good thing you didn't take the fiery redhead with you might had been case dismissed right there on the spot!! :elmer::elmer:
Have a great day !
Ah good times. No one gave a dam.
I was just commenting that my GAF must have been left at home or in the truck cuz the give a **** tank is empty today. maybe it will turn up somewhere....
Ok, the original message was call about dinner time east coast. I will try to get ahold of him. Should be some interesting stories and info