Stop in for a cup of coffee

Skimmed the backread- saw some nasty plumbing.. Decided to change the little spout pipe on downstairs shower this morning. Approx1/4 turn and it was off. :BangHead: :mad: Had to find my internal pipe wrench. Then it wanted to brake out coils,one thread at a time. Got it out enough and loose that I could turn the piece with pliers.
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Anyone got a shot or two handy? If so pass it along
You need to ask? :poke: :rofl:

Skimmed the backread- saw some nasty plumbing.. Decided to change the little spout pipe on downstairs shower this morning. Approx1/4 turn and it was off. :BangHead: :mad: Had to find my internal pipe wrench. Then it wasted to brake out coils,one thread at a time. Got it out enough and loose that I could turn the piece with pliers.
Damn plumbing anyway!
Another fun day in the Salt mine?
Yeah. It’s crunch time for this place and I have to get my lead to sign off on abandoning a pair of projects that have ballooned out of control completely. Both were envisioned prior to my hire but due to attrition, have become my problem.

One of which, the goal of the project has completely changed and it’s once budgeted goal of 7 figures is now nearly 9…
Yeah. It’s crunch time for this place and I have to get my lead to sign off on abandoning a pair of projects that have ballooned out of control completely. Both were envisioned prior to my hire but due to attrition, have become my problem.

One of which, the goal of the project has completely changed and it’s once budgeted goal of 7 figures is now nearly 9…

Scope creep... go figure