Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all trying to wake up more coffee lots more coffee

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Not out of coffee, just a little sore this morning and trying to walk it off.
Good morning
Son waiting in line to hit a big track, other son is holding a fan on him.

What is the thing that looks like a Z-rod on the right of the steering column?
Brake adjustment as he drives, when it gets s little dry slick he can move more brakes to eather side
Ohhh.. very cool.. i thought it was a drag car, not roundy roundy :) Never heard of on the fly adjusting like that
Another beautiful day here. Calling for some thunderstorms, we can definitely use some rain.
We got a short shower yesterday here on the hill, farmers to the northwest got nothing, needing some big time here
I like 85-140. If it is a tracklock you need limited slip additive also., I actually have two Mopar bottles of it.
I like to buy pre-sliced hams at the grocery store. But usually they are so big I can't find enough ways to eat it. Hate to throw anything away. This morning I cubed up several slices and put it in the mac and cheese that I made. Sprinkle some bacon on top, another slice of cheese. Heaven on a paper plate. Oh, I'll eat a banana to keep it healthy.kkkkkkkk
Mornin feller heathens. Kitty, Vixen and I are bound for a cruise in this mornin. Hopefully a decent turnout.