Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get this car looking like i want it. Re doing work cause I’m not happy with it sucks
Dude.. Quit fu$%ing around and get that rig on the road. Perfect is the enemy of "Good enough" Drive the rig
It’s gotta at least not fall apart while driving :rofl:
I’m redoing my fuel cell cage to add gussets
i mowed until dark. So its all done except for the trimming. A mile of it i think. Seems this leg pain is tapering off ever so slightly. Tomorrow im hoping to find it within myself to clean the shop.
Coffee here in a couple min. Need to clear my eyes. What a beautiful drive from Knoxville to Statesville.
I guess the saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas no longer applies.
Well at least not completely.
I guess the saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas no longer applies.
Well at least not completely.
Uh oh. Not sure what I missed but some former LEOs here on the coffee shop may have some advice for ya...