Stop in for a cup of coffee

Speaking of leftover Chinese, I just got this from Memike on Facebook
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers.
She is in a lot of discomfort. I was surprised to find they actually gave her morphine this morning for pain. It seemed kind of extreme.
You and your wife are in my thoughts as well.
They can dish out the M in a wide range of dosage plus there is a variant with long-term effect which can be practical. And it has an anti-anxiety effect, too. At least it made me feel like Everything is Awesome.
They ARE cool. And, they actually look a little bit aerodynamic.
Aero when they are shooting through a intersection in a ball of flame after being rear ended. Those Pinto's were a deathtrap.
Damn, I'm pissed! I do all the cooking here but we were busy until 6:30 or so. I marinated some chicken breasts and grilled them, potatoes and fresh asparagus on the grill. It's just 9:00 here and I dumped the whole lot and broke the platter outside the back door. Damn! I guess they can have leftover Chinese or a bowl of cereal!
I'd just rinse it off and give it another 30 seconds to re-heat it. Seriously.
Good morning, Abody and Rani!

Just back from the media blaster/painter. He mixed up a little and epoxi coated the LCA:s and left the front bumper brackets in zinc only and not the other way around but that's ok. The rest of the stuff, UCA:s, strut rods, rear bumper brackets looked great! Total charge $80. Feels ok.
He only took cash so I had to go and get some. Will pick the stuff up later today or tomorrow.
I wonder if my drive shaft is done also? Too bad it's 40 minutes in the other direction ...