Stop in for a cup of coffee

Plan a dinner out and say you made a reservation a month ago, but you were waiting till you were top notch again:lol:

My mind is always racing…..thinking of current stuff as well as what I need to do the next day
I used to be like that. Then I worked 3rd shift for a couple of years. Ever since, I can sleep whenever I wish if I need to.
Between working on a USN ship and standing watches, then 12 hour night shifts three on three off. I can fall asleep at a moment's notice. All come to the hurry up and wait mentality.
Voting day here and guess what, they moved my precinct again, twice now in two election cycles after it had been in the same place since the 60s
Haircut at 10:30. Don't let me forget. :lol: :lol:
If you ever come to Viet Nam while I am there, I will take you to get a haircut that you will never forget. The names of those shops are called " Hot Toc "
AS the name may imply, they are quite different than a Barber Shop in America.... :rofl: