Stop in for a cup of coffee

I fear Hemi is not going to make it to 13, she is 12. But her jumper is broke. I do think however the Mal pup has both extended and increased her quality of life. She gives a menacing posture and is game for about ten ft sprints while the pup circles her at Mach six. Darting in to nip Hemis hamstrings knowing full well something is wrong with Hemis back end. As long as she can still run and wants to run we will keep on keeping on.
Same with Sophie, don't move very fast but will still put Brandy in her place but needs to take a nap afterwards.
When we go for our walks, she waits by the hay shed for us to come back. Just can't do it anymore.
Typical evening with the househound.


This is one fast dog. Kimmie says ocean needs a cape, her leap onto the couch is like superman.
Dr. appt tomorrow. I think I'll fast just in case. Just a check up for Medicare.
I had it set up when I was in Bedford. Perfect for me. Put a rotor on there so I could pick up the PBS station in Maryland. I'm good with Grit, METV.. etc. Don't care for the networks anyhow
Have no desire to watch any TV channels, do a few YouTube videos a week and getting tired of the commercials with it.