Stop in for a cup of coffee

I figger just about the time I get my percolator coffee combo figgered out, the new espresso machine will arrive and the process can start over :lol:
I had one of those combo machines years ago. The espresso part quit working and I wasn't a fan of the coffee side. In the trash it went. Back to my Mr Coffee.
Wanted to go visit my son today but the roads are iced up and not wanting to drive 200 miles one way on ice, so! looks like I'm playing in the garage today.
I had one of those combo machines years ago. The espresso part quit working and I wasn't a fan of the coffee side. In the trash it went. Back to my Mr Coffee.
As good as my tap water tastes, I think it must have too much mineral content for the espresso machines. Could be I just use the darn things more than the builders expect their customers to use them :lol: This makes #3 since I retired :lol:
At 5:30 in the morning? I was dreaming up witty replies for all the upcoming morning conveersation!

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Can't count the times people mistake my scamp for a nova. :wtf:

This was a joke on one of the previous regular coffee club members who had a Scamp with a Chevy cowl induction scoop...

They sent in the picture to Rock Auto of Mike's "Nova" and Rock Auto made a card of it and sent it to customers in their orders... :lol:

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We have ice fishing here in Michigan. Every year someone is out there too late, sometimes with their vehicle. Not good!
<~~~~~Just did the math. has consumed enough espressos since retirement that if bought at Starbleks the costs would have covered a fully dressed 408 from Blue Print