Stop in for a cup of coffee

Cold but not terrible.
Dodge nitro coming in today for a wheel stud, and he wants me to do an inspection. He just bought it, was supposed to be safetied as per our insurance rquirements. Hes thinking stuff was overlooked.
Hey Ray is it too late to send Wyatt a little something for Christmas?? He is 13 now and I'm sure the poor kid suffers from the "mother smoother". I bet we could come up with something to brighten his holiday?? Maybe a 30-day free **** trial offer?? What do you think?? :lol:
Already signed him up to date a inmate! By the time they get out he will be legal! And Steph wont have to worry about if they have a STD!
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Already signed him up to date a inmate! By the time they get out he will be legal!
Maybe Steph can send him to Carlisle this summer for a week with us guys...fatherly types we are.
What could go wrong it'd be an experience he'd always remember!! :thumbsup:
Morning Menchevik.

Crisp morning. Nobody else from the office working so I'm getting all the overdue annual training done
Is it the how to be a kinder gentler using all the new correct words type person training. :lol:
Asking for a friend??
Is it the how to be a kinder gentler using all the new correct words type person training. :lol:
Asking for a friend??

I thought the antidiscrimination and retaliation training would get stupid, but it was pretty much unchanged. I opt out of the Diversity Council meetings :rolleyes:
I am catching up on my training this week as well. So far I realized there should no longer be warranty claims. "sorry sir, but I have been taught that we have to be inclusive and diverse. Your engine self identifies as something else (v10 maybe identifies as a V8 or something). You shouldn't be judgmental. I will send you some links for seminars you can attend to help get you in a better place" Or maybe like other things at home - washer identifies as a holding take and only you get agitated. so on and so on..
I leave for 1 hour and you people are up to no good. He will be coming with me to Carlisle. Maybe a week with you guys is what he needs. You will put him into shock :lol:. Well I guess a subscription is the gift that keeps on giving all year long.
I leave for 1 hour and you people are up to no good. He will be coming with me to Carlisle. Maybe a week with you guys is what he needs. You will put him into shock :lol:. Well I guess a subscription is the gift that keeps on giving all year long.
I leave for 1 hour and you people are up to no good. He will be coming with me to Carlisle. Maybe a week with you guys is what he needs. You will put him into shock :lol:. Well I guess a subscription is the gift that keeps on giving all year long.
Maybe send him on the road with OMR and Hoppy to Mopars in the Park! Nothing will be same after a road trip like that...