Stop in for a cup of coffee

Scott what they forcasting there? Her it is ? with a possibility of ?? Then ? acummulation depends......
Scott what they forcasting there? Her it is ? with a possibility of ?? Then ? acummulation depends......
Starting Saturday 5-8" then more Saturday night into Sunday 1-3"

I want to get the car down there before any salt and crap on the roads. Plan is to be there around noon Friday drop it and the trailer and head home.
Talk About gettin F**ked at the drive thru.... Stopped this morning at Mc D's , since it was late after dropping my Wife off at work. I ordered a double 1/4 lb. w/cheese, no ketchup or pickle. I like Mustard and onions. Drive 5 miles home, and sit down at my desk. Gots a single 1/4 pd'r with cheese and ketchup and pickles... WTF ????. Yeah , I ate it, but not Happy.... You ALWAYS get F***ked at the drive thru.....

I once went through the drive thru at a place that boasted about their thick burgers...

I ordered the thick burger and another burger.... I eat the other burger first, then start the thick burger.... Take 3 bites and still no meat... I then check the burger - they didn't even put a pattie on it.... :wtf:

By that time I was 20 minutes away on my way home from buying a truck in Minnesota... I called the manager to let him know what happened and he offered to give me another one, I said no I'm too far away to turn back, but your service sucks... :icon_fU:

How the hell can you not put the meat on a thick burger??? :realcrazy:

Another local place here called Freddies did the same thing to me also... Gave me a burger with no meat... :BangHead:
I was only 5 minutes away when I noticed and went back to speak to the manager about it and he had them make me another one... :mad:

Apparently someone behind me in the drive thru ordered one with no meat and somehow I got theirs... I hope they liked mine... (probably veggetarian or vegan).... :eek:

The manager also gave me some coupons for some free stuff, bur I never went back there... I wasn't impressed enough with the replacement burger to bother going back again... :icon_fU:
So I meet the Brats n Granbrats at house in Oceanside for NYD and a belated Christmas. Brat in law and I decide we will BBQ, BIL brings Tri Tips and Rib Eyes. I bring 4 varieties of sausages they can't get in Phx. There is one little portable BBQ here already and I set off to get another for more grill space. Lowe's here I come. I find what I'm looking for. Cute little gal employee says "Look! They're on sale!" Great price, less than half normal retail at $15. I get to the checker and she says "That will be $7.82" :wtf: I didn't argue. Thanks Lowes and Merry Christmas to you too :lol:

Just like the card in Monopoly - Bank error in your favor COLLECT $200!!!
Scott what they forcasting there? Her it is ? with a possibility of ?? Then ? acummulation depends......

They are going to get moisture...
