Stop in for a cup of coffee

Weather was ruff early yesterday morning, winds took out a bunch of trees in the flat lands 30 miles away, and lightning and winds to out everyone's internet signal all day yesterday, got it back at 7pm last night.
Now for the cold weather, it is 30 now, but tonight and the next 4 to five days will be in the single digits.
Wife and I will be stuck in the house for a while
Kitchen has all the material to put wall board up in wife's big closet and new flooring, as well as a ceiling board she wants :( Mikie is going to stay busy. Ready for spring already

-38 with the wind chill, went out for a smoke, and i agree. Have to be 3 hours early for our first flight. Then 3 hours to toronto. This is my least favorite part of a holiday.
Morning looks like another cold day -15 with a -41 wind chill and more snow.
Not near as much as Toolman has so I'm happy.
So I pulled a bone head move. A friend I deal with as a supplier sent me a hard to find NORS to Mopar cross reference index to get copied. He needs it back next week so I run downtown drop it off to get copies and they will mail igt back. Easy right? I dropped off the wrong book! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

Guess what I am doing today!
Just fired up the pellet stove in the garage that I haven't used in a couple years. My electric heater is not putting out much heat so guessing I burned out some heat tubes. I like to keep the garage at 65 or 70 degrees.
So today is ny sort of grand daughters sweet sixteen. Wife asks me what we should give her said 100 ine dollar bills, she did not get it. To bad the party is in the local VFW which I swore I will never step foot in again years ago. To many reasons the most prob is the commander now has a OTH discharge. WTF! Just cant do it. Thats serious a case of stolen Honor there in my mind. Timmy knows the guy.
On the bright side got that Holley ign kit in, wow really have to take pics of it belongs in a museum seriously.