Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not an easy shape to make. Its weldable.

Gin.... specifically Bluecoat Gin (get some @Petty Betty) is the summer go-to. Although I think one of those phonecall conversations was Martoonie-fueled.

I am heading back out on the road tomorrow morning for yet another gun bunny road trip. Doing a school district security assessment tomorrow. They have six different campuses. Very little fencing or perimeter defense, get that done, then jump in truck drive four hours North to some nameless hotel in Southern Missouri, sleep fast and then Teach home defense and defensive shooting for two days. then blast back home in time to coach trap team. Elegant dining in the hotel room for sure. Nothing says high life like PbJ and a bottle of wine. At least hockey will be on!
I used to like gin&tonic but switched to vodka and diet tonic.

Honestly it is not that bad looking? I mean not anywhere close to motivating me to pursue it. But if ya gotta go electric it ain’t bad to look at. You want a rabbit hole start thinking about hot rodding an electric car. And that don’t mean jumping the curb and landing in the pond with your golf cart. I am remembering for a friend!
I have a 48-volt golf cart with the lift bed does a ton of work around the property.
I can't imagine though driving one though town let alone the highway...those modern-day car designers just don't drive.
Ahh cell phones and remotes it's just the years older haha!!
But like they say you fell what you are and at 67 I don't feel much different than 40.
I like to say you're always as young as the woman you feel !!!! :rofl:
I'm down 18 lbs since the New Year.
154lb this morning.
That's good Ray. I'm down five kilos since I arrived in Vietnam. That's approximately 11 lb. But this is always the case when I come here. I'm sure it's the quality of the food. :thumbsup:
-15, near zero f. Soon it will break and we will be seeing warmer weather.
Hope to get floor/firewall done today. The 3 hour visit with my buddy set me back some, but i got stuff done.