Stop in for a cup of coffee

Went back out to shop, cut the risers for the seats. I-beam used for semi trailer van body floor cross members.
Makes a nice channel for 3-1/2” high slide out storage boxes.
Got the e-brake release working too.
Well no wonder I could not sleep its DOG day. Hopefully a good fit. Hard to find a Boxer/Lab mix
We shall see. Never have another one as good as Harley I bet. Just really like the mix. gentle but can become a real animal if provoked.
A couple days ago I was outside my pumphouse which has a glass window door, thought I saw an animal moving into the corner. Took a quick look,kinda messy in there right now with hoses and wire fencing. Well yesterday I was in there, heard a growl, didn't see it but it sounded kinda mean lol! TT neighbor about it, he loaned me a live animal trap and offered his pellet gun to dispatch of it if I want to, think it might be a racoon but dunno. Will set the trap today, have some leftover pizza