Stop in for a cup of coffee

Who's on first?
You are... Kkkkkk
Time for me to hit the hay. Tomorrow morning. I will get up one last time and go work out at the local park. Leave here tomorrow around 2:00 p.m. to go to the airport. Should be a good morning
Have a good morning tomorrow, and a safe flight back to the states Mitch
Morning all, Got my coffee, beautiful South Jersey morning we're getting started floor pan rust repairs our 67 Barracuda 4 speed Convertible.
Morning all, mid 70s for today, kind of a recoup day. Coffee and some oatmeal and back on my truck and trailer,,,,, maybe.
They installed wireless Smart meters here. No more meeter readers...more lost jobs in the name of progress
It's a smart meter.... but the reader has to walk up to within about 10 feet and aim the gun at the meter.

I get hate mail from the power company because they act live they need to actually see the numbers
It's a smart meter.... but the reader has to walk up to within about 10 feet and aim the gun at the meter.

I get hate mail from the power company because they act live they need to actually see the numbers
what is the point in that? May as well just walk the rest of the way?
Well the gentlemen that failed the FBI qual here awhile back, came out to our range this morning and we got him sorted out. He then proceeded to shoot an excellent qualifying target. Winner winner chicken dinner! He was thrilled and I get a lot of satisfaction watching someone succeed at something that whipped them once upon a time.
My guess is that the newer homes have them. But, it's rural so they probably can't get the mesh connectivity from them.

I see the guy do the reading on the security camera.
Like here they don't like going in your back yard, that is where my meter was , when you have a large beware of dog sign and a german shepherd laying in the back yard , this way they can read it from the front yard .