Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all, got some rain last do in the garage.night but only 7/100 of an inch. Still muggy on my walk with the dogs. Breakfast and coffee and find something to
We had a good storm come though here last night about 10:30. I was laying in the bed and heard a loud thud on the roof. Got up and went outside to look around, but couldn't see wee with just a flashlight. Couldn't see any evidence from the surrounding trees near the building, but there are high trees just behind that are fairly close. Gonna get a tall ladder out and get up on the roof to check for damage this morning....
It's Thirtynine Thursday!


Good morning :D
We had a good storm come though here last night about 10:30. I was laying in the bed and heard a loud thud on the roof. Got up and went outside to look around, but couldn't see wee with just a flashlight. Couldn't see any evidence from the surrounding trees near the building, but there are high trees just behind that are fairly close. Gonna get a tall ladder out and get up on the roof to check for damage this morning....
Be careful Mitch. Ladders kill....especially tall ones
I found a '40 Willys I really liked when I was an employed teenager and told my Dad about it. "You're not bringin' that ugly POS to my place!" :lol: "Dad they look like '40 Fords and I know you had one of those." :lol:
:rofl: I tried that same thing with a 59 Chevy. Once they found it was a Corvette they said "no way"!
I found a '40 Willys I really liked when I was an employed teenager and told my Dad about it. "You're not bringin' that ugly POS to my place!" :lol: "Dad they look like '40 Fords and I know you had one of those." :lol:
How about a 39 Ute. So ugly but yet so cool.
Works for me. I started out in a hot rod '66 Ranchero :D I saw a '67 on CL yesterday with a BB in it :steering: The granbrats would never go for it though :lol:
That sounds like fun but no room for the kids. 2 seats in the back like the Subaru Brat? That would never be allowed now days.
It's when you get comfortable climbing ladders they f you up. 20 plus years of ladder climbing for phone company under my belt.
I agree. I still remember carrying 75 bundles of shingles up a 20 ft ladder to the roof of my house that I personally built way, way back in 1986. But I was young and dumb and full of C**. Was only 29 years old then..... :lol:
I agree. I still remember carrying 75 bundles of shingles up a 20 ft ladder to the roof of my house that I personally built way, way back in 1986. But I was young and dumb and full of C**. Was only 29 years old then..... :lol:
I was 16 in '86 and carrying them up a ladder..... **** roofing... that's all... especially in july/august :)
That sounds like fun but no room for the kids. 2 seats in the back like the Subaru Brat? That would never be allowed now days. View attachment 1716268401
Funny story about those Subaru Brats. I was hired to install a trailer hitch on one. Back then there were no kits so I had to fabricate the whole thing. Crawling under the rig and measuring up the cross brace etc. a couple of baggies fell out of the undercarriage into my lap. With total disregard for showing my age here, they both measured a full four fingers! Finders keepers losers weepers!