Stop in for a cup of coffee

So what's the skinny on those 1988 V6 motors?


What 88 v6? I have had 2 3.9's and they were great One I sold at 235,000 miles and it was still running strong and the other I sold at 199,000 and both because I bought a newer ride
Good morning everyone. Power came back on at 5:30 this morning. The adjuster for the house insurance is coming out this morning to evaluate the damage. I have to send pictures to Hagerty later today for the Chevelle. Apparently upon closer inspection there are a lot of panels that are dented. But at least the important car was unscathed :) Tim pointed out the silver lining on that black cloud.
Too bad about the Chevelle getting damaged it's a nice car.
I had a 3.9 in a dakota.. had ZERO guts but was about as dependable as you could ever ask for
So what's the skinny on those 1988 V6 motors?


I had 2 96 and a 2000 3.9 Magnums. Solid engines for sure. The 88's I don't know about. The Magnums were released in 92 and 93.
The one was a 88 and the other a 90 both in Dakota's The 88 was an automatic and the 90 a 5 speed
Good morning everyone. Power came back on at 5:30 this morning. The adjuster for the house insurance is coming out this morning to evaluate the damage. I have to send pictures to Hagerty later today for the Chevelle. Apparently upon closer inspection there are a lot of panels that are dented. But at least the important car was unscathed :) Tim pointed out the silver lining on that black cloud.
Hagerty is good to deal with on claims. You’ll have that settled within a week
Minn has flooding here and there, ground is soaked and trees uprooted. Three trees down at my place from a storm a few weeks ago….one is large, snapped off
It's Falcon Friday!


Good morning :D
I'm not sure what is up with UPS... or if it's the ridiculousness of Bezos-mart

Last few packages looked like they were salvaged from a overturned truck....

But then again, the boxes are 3 times too big and the 4 x 4 square of "packaging" paper is completely pointless.

At least UPS gets it to the house. The driver is a good dude
It's all in the boxing and packing. I get quite a few whiskies from as far away as California and so far they have arrived unscathed. The sellers use specific packing materials to prevent damage.
Yeah, not seeing anything in the forecast... Crispy lawn snacks happening
We got a nice shower early this morning. A bolt of lightening about blew me out of bed at 4:30. The flash lit up the room and the thunder was an explosion. It had to be close.
Blue gun check, no sharp objects including pocket knife on my person, check, Tylenol for post training old fat man being tossed all over the mat by young fit officers, check. Prepping to travel down to Weapon retention class today. Sadly I am helping a ninja super black belt instructor. Translated means I will be tossed and twisted like a pretzel all weekend. My goal is to not get any fingers broke during digit manipulation exercises. Students get amped up.